KB953297 Fix

  • Thread starter Thread starter Randy
  • Start date Start date


I called Pc Safety and got the following fix for kb953297 update not
installing. Hope this will help others. Please follow exactly according to
tech. It worked for me. Other fixes did not work that I tried on discussion
group for this problem. This is the only one that did for my system. Vista
32 with all updates except the above.

To troubleshoot the issue you will need to uninstall multiple versions
of the .net framework using a .net cleanup utility, and then reinstall
those versions in their correct order.

To repair the .net framework follow the steps below:

1. Download .Net Cleanup Utility from the following link:


2. Using the .net Cleanup Utility, uninstall .Net Framework 1.0,
1.1, 2.0. 3.0 and 3.5 (The cleanup utility won't allow you to remove
NET Framework 2.0 on Windows Vista and higher because it is installed
as an OS component.)

3. Restart the computer

4. Download the following components:

Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (this will also install .Net Framework 2.0 SP2
and 3.0 SP2)


Net Framework 1.1


Net Framework 1.1 SP1


5. Install the downloaded updates in this order (the order is very

· .Net Framework 3.5 SP1

· .Net Framework 1.1

· .Net Framework 1.1 SP1

6. Restart the computer
7. Go to Windows Update then choose CUSTOM update


8. Under Optional Software Update, check if other versions of .Net
Framework is being offered

· IF NO: Close the case as Resolved

· IF YES: Install the update using Custom Update then dispatch
the case to Non-Tech Callback

Once the installation is complete reboot your computer and attempt to
install updates again.

Note: If Windows Update is offering .Net Framework and other updates,
troubleshoot the other update first before dealing with .Net Framework

Applies to:

· Add Windows XP SKUs

· Add Windows Vista SKUs