Just saying hello

  • Thread starter Thread starter Conni
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Hello everyone from good old germany :rolleyes:

In germany there are many distro-related forums, which are frequently visited but altough they might be helpful for specific questions I don't like the undertone in some discussions. For some people "their" Linux distro seems to be kind of a "home" or a "religion", which they idolize and defend against other distros.

As for my story regarding Linux:

I always appreciated the idea of free software. Nevertheless I needed several attempts. 2001 I tried to install SUSE Linux privately without success. 2005 I tried a Kanotix Live-CD and booted on the spot, but I was not able to connect to the Internet. With hindsight I know, that I had a rather weird modem.

2008 I finally succeeded, after buying a laptop with XP I installed Ubuntu 8.10 (as a dualboot). 2012 my laptop broke. I soon found out, that I don't need Windows anymore. I stayed with Ubuntu 12.04 until January 2014 without trying another distro once.

Currently I am using Linux Mint Debian (LMDE) and - in order to watch DVDs with an normal frame rate, I am too lazy to get that fixed in LMDE, and a bit for old times' sake. - Lubuntu 14.04 on my desktop.

On my laptop I am using Antergos. I also wanted to to install LMDE, but the kernel has problems with the hardware. The good thing with Linux is, that there are alternatives. LMDE is a great distro, but Antergos is a great distro too :cool:.

Other distros, which I tried and also appreciate are Mageia, SolydX, Crunchbang, Debian and last but not least Slitaz (as a super-slim rescue system on a small USB-stick).

Generally I am a fan of easy-to-install rolling releases with huge software repositories. I prefer the Mate desktop, probably because it is quite similar to the Gnome 2 desktop of my first Linux system.

The most exotic applications on my computers are related to chess (Scid, Stockfish) and statistics(R, RStudio).

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