iTunes & reparing corrupt system files


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Hello there

I am trying to update iTunes on my x64 W7 Ultimate version Dell Laptop but keep getting the message that the files have invalid signatures.

I scanned through Command Prompt and it seems parts of my system have unrepairable files, for example:

Beginning Verify and Repair transaction2013-03-29 16:30:13, Info CSI 000002c0 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"iassdo.dll.mui" of Microsoft-Windows-Networking-Internet_Authentication_Service_Iassdo.Resources, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL
(0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch2013-03-29 16:30:35, Info CSI 000002c2 [SR] Cannot repair member file [l:28{14}]"iassdo.dll.mui" of Microsoft-Windows-Networking-Internet_Authentication_Service_Iassdo.Resources, Version = 6.1.7600.16385, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL
(0), Culture = [l:10{5}]"en-US", VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch2013-03-29 16:30:35, Info CSI 000002c3 [SR] This component was referenced by [l:266{133}]"Microsoft-Windows-WindowsFoundation-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~6.1.7601.17514.Windows Foundation Language Pack"2013-03-29 16:30:35, Info CSI 000002c6 [SR] Could not reproject corrupted file [ml:60{30},l:58{29}]"??C:WindowsSysWOW64en-US"[l:28{14}]"iassdo.dll.mui" source file in store is also corrupted2013-03-29 16:30:43, Info CSI 000002c8 [SR] Verify complete

So I have attempted to install and run Windows Update Standalone Installer. This gives me error message: 0x8007000d. Tried repairing this through the Fix This thing on MS website but no luck.

Any advice?

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