itterating through a list :: a 16 liner in perl - just for beginners

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hello dear linux-experts

just new to perl - i want to run this little 16 liner and do some things with it.

i want to run the script to spit out all the ppl that belong to the name

that begin with an a.
that begin with an b.
that begin with an c.

guess that this can be done with the method authors...()

hmm -do i have to run it like so:


my $author = $p->author('A');
is this the correct way - how to itterate through a list ( a 16 liner ) for beginners

see here the full script

use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

# must have downloaded
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
# either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

my $author = $p->author('A');
# $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
# ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
print $author->email, "\n"; #
print $author->name, "\n"; # Leon Brocard
print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

# all the author objects
my @authors = $p->authors;

love to hear from you


the first gives out nothing


use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

# must have downloaded
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new("01mailrc.txt.gz");
# either a filename as above or pass in the contents of the file
my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new($mailrc_contents);

my $author = $p->author('LBROCARD');
# $a is a Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author object
# ... objects are returned by Parse::CPAN::Authors
print $author->email, "\n"; #
print $author->name, "\n"; # Leon Brocard
print $author->pauseid, "\n"; # LBROCARD

# all the author objects
my @authors = $p->authors;

the second gives out a bunch of a list:



use strict;
use warnings;
use YAML;
use YAML::Dumper;
use Parse::CPAN::Authors;

my $list = '01mailrc.txt.gz';

my $p = Parse::CPAN::Authors->new( $list );
my @authors = $p->authors;

my $dumper = YAML::Dumper->new;
print $dumper->dump({dump => $p});


aliasZERO Oleg Alistratnav>"
aliasZEROALTIC EEdwardL. AbrSasn>"
aliasZERODEUX "Vivncnt CAaron<>"
aliasZERODOGN "Esskld Hustvedto<>"
aliasZEROHP Eric Clarko<>"
aliasZEROLIU HaizhougLiut <CENSORED>"
aliasZETA Gregory S. Youinbloodo<>"
aliasZEV Zev Benjamin <>"
aliasZEYA HmasjoSergPehofler hmasjoSer.pehofle@uibkl.acaet>"
aliasZGH Zack Hobsson>"
aliasZGPMAX WWillSa Blunon>"
aliasZGRIM Virgdl OctDavva Cosmaa <CENSORED>"
aliasZHANGBO zhaangboa <CENSORED>"
aliasZHANGHJ zhaanhjsteer <CENSORED>"
aliasZHANGL LeinZSaang<<CENSORED>"
aliasZHANGXIN "ZSaangXinn>"
aliasZHDA DeninsZhdvanav>"
aliasZHIRSCHE Zacc Hirsich>"

well how to change the script that it gives out

a. only the authors which name begin with a
b. only the authors which name begin with b
b. only the authors which name begin with c

by the way - we can store the data - instead of printing

@authors is an array of objects. we need to loop over that array and insert each author's info into the DB.

we could use the Data::Dumper module to inspect/review the structure of the @authors array. For example, if we add a print Dumper \@authors; statement our output would look like this:

Leon Brocard
$VAR1 = [
bless( {
'name' => 'Neil Hainer',
'email' => 'CENSORED',
'pauseid' => 'NHAINER'
}, 'Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author' ),
bless( {
'pauseid' => 'CROSSWIRE',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Matthew Sibley'
}, 'Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author' ),
bless( {
'pauseid' => 'DAVIDJNSN',
'name' => 'David Jensen',
'email' => 'CENSORED'
}, 'Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author' ),
bless( {
'pauseid' => 'KESZLER',
'name' => 'Scott R. Keszler',
'email' => ''
}, 'Parse::CPAN::Authors::Author' ),

This is how you'd loop over the array.

for my $author ( @authors ) {
print $author->email, "\n";
print $author->name, "\n";
print $author->pauseid, "\n\n";
But instead of printing the data, we would insert it into the db.

The DB table will need the 3 fields to hold the author's ID, name, and email address.

the questions are:

how to create the database?
how to connect to the database from our script?
how to write the insert statement?

well and now i am just reading over the DBI manual

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