It’s now possible to control playback of the Pandora app on iOS from your Pebble

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Chris Parsons

4adb116a88e09935a3cc110dedb3cf68.jpg If you've been longing for the ability to control your Pandora streaming music from your Pebble officially, you can now do that provided you're an iOS user. Pandora and Pebble announced today that the Pandora app is available for download in the Pebble store, making the Pebble the first wearable technology Pandora is available on.

Using the Pebble, you can view and change stations, thumb songs up and down, skip, play and pause tracks – all from your wrist! If you already have a Pebble that is paired to your mobile device, you should get a notification that you can install Pandora, or you can start the install process at any time from the Pebble Settings Page.

The most exciting thing about the Pebble Smartwatch is that it will allow easier interaction with Pandora in cases where it hasn’t been as easy to provide feedback while listening. Runners, for example, can >now easily view and thumb or skip a song they are listening to on their watch without missing a step (pun intended). Or, it has great uses in the home for those that are casting Pandora to audio devices or >their TV – you could be in the kitchen cooking dinner while simultaneously thumbing up a song that was playing in your living room.

As noted, the app is only for iOS users right now but an Android version is in the works though no time frame was announced at this point. You can grab the Pandora app from the iOS Pebble app right now.




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