is this it for AGP?


Active Member
Sep 24, 2004
I'm wondering if anyone has heard anything on whether there would be any more video card chipsets released for the AGP architecture. To me it seems unlikely another chipset would release given the switch over to PCI-X.

Personally, I'm not worried about going LGA-775, DDR2, and PCI-X because I dont even max out the computer that I have. The video card seems to be the most important factor to me. I believe I'm simply trying to avoid sinking XXX dollars in the x800xt if its not going to be the highest end for AGP. This could be one of those rare occasions, but if not, I'd rather wait it out with my 9800pro. We all know you cant wait too long with today's technology, look how long it takes a good product to hit large availability these days and next thing you know Half Life 4 is out and you cant run it on your x15000xt....

The bottom line is when WoW releases the x800xt is purchased if nothing else can fit the bill :)

P3.0E (stock) - Koolance Exos
1gb OCZ PC4000 EL GOLD
22" NEC MultiSync FP2141SB
Sapphire 9800Pro
Audigy 2 ZS - games, Realtek AC97 used for TS2 and vent.
2-74gb WD Raptors RAID-0
and some more of the usual
The transition is being made to the PCI-Express architecture, as it is cleaner, faster, and just all around more suited to the purpose. In fact, the GeForce 6800 is natively a PCI-Express part; it uses a seperate chip to adapt it to the AGP bus in AGP versions of the card.

As for your 9800pro, the jump to the X800 doesn't seem that significant (only a 1 model jump). I'd wait it out; doesn't really make sense to invest in new parts when the old ones still run fine (heck, I still run a GeForce3 that has only just started to lag me badly in the games I play most)
ati has the r480 set to release in the 4th quarter if memory serves.

i'm sure there will still be agp cards released, even on the high end. the agp bus isn't a bottleneck yet and it'll be some time before the majority of enthusiasts and home users switch to pci-ex.

the x800xt would be quite a leap in performance, b8ut you may want to wait a little while for prices to go down, like i said the r480 is slated for the next few months. and i'm sure nvidia has something new coming out around that time as well.

personally if i had the money i'd get the 6800gt right now, but i'll prolly end up with something else 6 months down the road, so my 9800 will do for now.
Oh if I can help it Ill be running this thing in 2006 and im sure ill go through a few video cards. My last computer was a Celeron 1gz on a Asus TUA-266. I never did get around to buying the Tualatin =). Its still priced at $200+.

The 9800 is a good card dont get me wrong. It hasn't been cutting the mustard for running a large monitor due to it requiring higher resolutions and in turn at least some level of AA is needed due to the jaggyness around 3D objects. I find that AA 4x cleans things up nicely and can play some of my games ok with those settings. Its recently gotten better on the new Omega drivers (ATI 8.07 beta drivers). I run games at 1280x1024 so thats not too incredible of a demand. This seems to compliment the size while saving font readability.
are you still running those 4.7 omega drivers? I'm having issues with tearing on EQ2 beta and WOW was doing it during the stress test. I set vsync on with 1280x1024@120hz. I'm considering blowing out the ATI 4.10 install and trying other drivers. I dont think I had good performance with the latest omegas.
venger said:
are you still running those 4.7 omega drivers? I'm having issues with tearing on EQ2 beta and WOW was doing it during the stress test. I set vsync on with 1280x1024@120hz. I'm considering blowing out the ATI 4.10 install and trying other drivers. I dont think I had good performance with the latest omegas.

yeah i am, you sure v-synch is working? sometimes for apparently no reason at all, settings, even if set correctly stop working all together.

run fraps or enable the fps command in the game and make sure you are indeed synched with your refresh, otherwise you shouldn't really get any tearing. if you still do then i'd say try the 4.10's.

right now my fraps has quit working in all 3d apps, farcry will not load up anymore, and i can't disable v-synch. all that and a hdd that's full of crap and i'd have to say it's time to start all over with a clean slate.
The cheapest I'm seeing the 6800gt is for $368, which to me is still too expensive.

PNY 6800gt

Its unforntunate the availability for the x8xx series ATI cards still sucks. I feel that at least there'd be more competition to drive the 6800gt's price down. I've had enough of ATI's poor PR myself, but I'm still reluctant to pay these premiums. Who knows if it will ever drop to <$300.
well hopefully ati will release an agp version of the x800xl. that card competes with the 6800gt performance wise, but should retail at around 299. it's going to be a sweet card if they make an agp. probably my next card purchase. however if it doesn't get released soon, i may be forced to get a 6800gt, which don't get me wrong, great card, but the price is not right.
I've been able to get decent motherboard/CPU combos in the $90 range on the 24hr sales; if you can afford to wait a week or so there's decent savings to be had with them.

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