Is it ok to charge a fee for Windows Updates?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
Seriously. There is a local pc repair joint that is charging exorbitant rates just for applying Windows updates to your PC. Is that even legal? They surely aren't paying Microsoft a special licensing fee for access to the updates, they're not charging
for them as a pass-through entity, and they sure as **** haven't put any of their own work into developing the updates, so how can they charge a fee just for letting Windows download and apply updates. It boggles my mind. On a running system, regardless of
why it's brought to me, I apply all updates before attempting any diagnosis. ****, if a customer calls to say they're coming by to pick up I'll boot their system and update before they get here so I know that it's at least as up-to-date as the last day it
was in my hands. I could not, in good conscience, charge a customer for this sort of thing. To me, it's about the same as adding a charge to the customer's PC repair bill for oxygen, because I was breathing while I repaired their PC. Here's a link to their
page, where they delineate the charge...

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