irc backdoor trojan

  • Thread starter Thread starter KRK
  • Start date Start date



I have had a message from Norton (on 3 recent occasions) reporting that it
has blocked an attack by the irc.backdoor.trojan.

At the same time I found my irc software (Mirc 6.16) suddenly stopped
working, the exe file disappeared. (I have managed to get it going again by

I have googled this virus, it seems to be very old ?? circa 2006 ?

Has there been a new version developed. ?

Any advice / info warmly welcomed


From: "KRK"

| Hello,

| I have had a message from Norton (on 3 recent occasions) reporting that it
| has blocked an attack by the irc.backdoor.trojan.

| At the same time I found my irc software (Mirc 6.16) suddenly stopped
| working, the exe file disappeared. (I have managed to get it going again by
| re-installing)

| I have googled this virus, it seems to be very old ?? circa 2006 ?

| Has there been a new version developed. ?

| Any advice / info warmly welcomed

| Thanks

| KK

The name "irc.backdoor.trojan" is a generic name so there can be many variants.

Additionally the name implies it is a trojan and not a virus and 2006 is NOT "very old".
In this case consider this dectection to be part of a family and thus the date means

The question then is what is the file(s) that were deemed infected. Suppliying a sample
to Virus Total may gleem more specific information on this trojan.

As for new versions... sure. New variants in a family are always being created and/or
derived and that's why you have a generic detection name.

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