IPv6 Tunnel not working properly after reboot - Windows 8 Pro


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.

Running a v6v4tunnel on a Windows 8 Pro Machine via Tunnelbroker.net
I can get the tunnel up and running and advertised on the Network ok and all seems ok until I reboot the W8 box
After reboot the W8 box still is able to access IPv6 via the tunnel and still advertises itself to the network however Other devices are no longer to access external IPv6 sites
Setting up Wireshark on the W8 machine I pinged google from my laptop, the trace shows the ping going out to google and also the reply coming back, however the replies are not forwarded back to the laptop.
I can ping the laptop both via link local and the /64 address from the W8 machine. It seems that the replies just aren't being forwarded back correctly from the net.
So far the only solution I have found is to delete and renew the tunnel after a reset but this is not really an ideal solution.
Moving the tunnel endpoint to the laptop running W7 everything works as expected after a reboot, so definitely seems to be a W8 quirk.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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