invalid color profile "Is there a solution"

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Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously my
research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.

Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.

"" wrote in message
> Hi
> Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> peeps [???] have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
> obviously my research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping
> someone may have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could
> help me.
> Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> --
> Regards

Perhaps you had no takers because of your extremely short
problem description.
Last edited by a moderator:
What did the printer tech support folks think might be the problem might be? wrote:

> Hi
> Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously my
> research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
> have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
What is the problem?? What is meant by invalid color profile?
"" wrote in message
> Hi
> Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously my
> research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
> have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> --
> Regards
Last edited by a moderator:
"Unknown" <unknown@unknown.kom> wrote in message
> What is the problem?? What is meant by invalid color profile?
> "" wrote in message
> news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> Hi
>> Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
>> peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously
>> my research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone
>> may have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
>> Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
>> --
>> Regards


Which printer profile causes this error message?

It could be a corrupted file.
It could be that you are using an input profile when you must use an output
You really ought to tell more about how you are trying to print.
Last edited by a moderator:
'' wrote:
| Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
| peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously my
| research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
| have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
| Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.

How to use Usenet.

** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a Usenet
newsgroup BEFORE you post.
** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.

Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are new to
Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the newsgroup
system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post in
ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader program
will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to the
post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT mark
duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into mutually
exclusive threads - that helps no one.

If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain the
problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)

It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No one
knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE WAITED A
REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)

You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a question.
Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve the
problem, including the results of such attempts.

IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
photographs with the correct color hues.

When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT ERROR

My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .

How can I fix this problem?",

THEN say so.

Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific knowledge
about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you posted.
IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
(whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.

Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get guesses, but
you can make guess yourself, right B^)

Phil Weldon

"" wrote in message
| Hi
| Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
| peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously my
| research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
| have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
| Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
| --
| Regards
Last edited by a moderator:
> '' wrote:
> | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously
> my
> | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attempt I'm hoping someone
> may
> | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> |
> | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at my wits end with this one.
> _____

"My apologies"...Below is a copy of the original post that was headed "color
profiles" on the 15.07 07

WinXp sp2

Hi I'm trying to install an Epson printer on my new pc but I'm getting an
error saying
"The specified color profile is invalid"
I've also tried the other half's Epson printer, and it still gives the same
error! The both printer do work on xp sp2 systems as is the case that they
have been working on the other half's o/s just fine.
I've been hours on this and installed a color settings tab to go into
control panel from Microsoft w/update site, which also installed
" framework 1.1" ...also the hotfix. but to no avail.

Can someone please advise.


As for printer tech support, I'm still waiting for a response from their
unresponsive online help loop. (You know, the type that makes you register
just for their advertising pleasure. Then put you in a continuos loop which
never ends at tech support so you have to use another catergory, which in
turn they eventually answer you with a question to remind you to refer tech
questions to another dept type!!)

>>Which printer profile causes this error message?
>>It could be a corrupted file.
>>It could be that you are using an input profile when you must use an
>>You really ought to tell more about how you are trying to print.

It hasn't got a printer profile at the moment 'cause I can't add the printer
but the default printer at present is
"Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" it's set at let windows choose, and
there's nothing displayed in the
"color profiles currently associated with this printer" box. If I set the
radio button to manual and one by one try to add the other avaliable systems
color profiles, I get the error "this is not a valid color profile" again.

This also happens when trying to add a different color profiles for the
monitor. (Just incase this is affecting the process??) For instance I get an
error when trying to remove the assosiated profile, which is "SM226BW"
(which is the model # of the monitor, I try to add "sRGB Color Space
Profile.icm" and others , but again the same error message "invalid color

So in answer to your Question...All of them!!
I've been in touch with Samsung to see if there was any updates or issues,
just incase their color profile may cause this error, but they say no.

Hope this will shed some light on the problem

Best Regards
"" wrote in message
>> '' wrote:
>> | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
>> few
>> | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously
>> my
>> | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attempt I'm hoping someone
>> may
>> | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
>> |
>> | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at my wits end with this one.
>> _____

> "My apologies"...Below is a copy of the original post that was headed
> "color profiles" on the 15.07 07
> __________________________________________________________________________
> WinXp sp2
> Hi I'm trying to install an Epson printer on my new pc but I'm getting an
> error saying
> "The specified color profile is invalid"
> I've also tried the other half's Epson printer, and it still gives the
> same
> error! The both printer do work on xp sp2 systems as is the case that they
> have been working on the other half's o/s just fine.
> I've been hours on this and installed a color settings tab to go into
> control panel from Microsoft w/update site, which also installed
> " framework 1.1" ...also the hotfix. but to no avail.
> Can someone please advise.
> --
> Regards
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> As for printer tech support, I'm still waiting for a response from their
> unresponsive online help loop. (You know, the type that makes you register
> just for their advertising pleasure. Then put you in a continuos loop
> which never ends at tech support so you have to use another catergory,
> which in turn they eventually answer you with a question to remind you to
> refer tech questions to another dept type!!)
>>>Which printer profile causes this error message?
>>>It could be a corrupted file.
>>>It could be that you are using an input profile when you must use an
>>>You really ought to tell more about how you are trying to print.

> It hasn't got a printer profile at the moment 'cause I can't add the
> printer but the default printer at present is
> "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" it's set at let windows choose,
> and there's nothing displayed in the
> "color profiles currently associated with this printer" box. If I set the
> radio button to manual and one by one try to add the other avaliable
> systems color profiles, I get the error "this is not a valid color
> profile" again.
> This also happens when trying to add a different color profiles for the
> monitor. (Just incase this is affecting the process??) For instance I get
> an error when trying to remove the assosiated profile, which is "SM226BW"
> (which is the model # of the monitor, I try to add "sRGB Color Space
> Profile.icm" and others , but again the same error message "invalid color
> profile!
> So in answer to your Question...All of them!!
> I've been in touch with Samsung to see if there was any updates or issues,
> just incase their color profile may cause this error, but they say no.
> Hope this will shed some light on the problem
> Best Regards

Google gave me 240 hits for the string
"The specified color profile is invalid". I would start
by checking them out.

I also wonder why you would ask Samsung for an update on
an Epson printer.

If this turns out to be a known bug with the driver for this
printer then you might be better off retiring it instead of
spending countless hours in attempt to fix what you cannot
possibly fix.
Last edited by a moderator:
"Pegasus (MVP)" <> wrote in message
> "" wrote in message
> news:ueVarIXyHHA.3588@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
>>> '' wrote:
>>> | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
>>> few
>>> | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
>>> obviously my
>>> | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attempt I'm hoping someone
>>> may
>>> | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
>>> |
>>> | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at my wits end with this one.
>>> _____

>> "My apologies"...Below is a copy of the original post that was headed
>> "color profiles" on the 15.07 07
>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> WinXp sp2
>> Hi I'm trying to install an Epson printer on my new pc but I'm getting an
>> error saying
>> "The specified color profile is invalid"
>> I've also tried the other half's Epson printer, and it still gives the
>> same
>> error! The both printer do work on xp sp2 systems as is the case that
>> they
>> have been working on the other half's o/s just fine.
>> I've been hours on this and installed a color settings tab to go into
>> control panel from Microsoft w/update site, which also installed
>> " framework 1.1" ...also the hotfix. but to no avail.
>> Can someone please advise.
>> --
>> Regards
>> ___________________________________________________________________________
>> As for printer tech support, I'm still waiting for a response from their
>> unresponsive online help loop. (You know, the type that makes you
>> register just for their advertising pleasure. Then put you in a continuos
>> loop which never ends at tech support so you have to use another
>> catergory, which in turn they eventually answer you with a question to
>> remind you to refer tech questions to another dept type!!)
>>>>Which printer profile causes this error message?
>>>>It could be a corrupted file.
>>>>It could be that you are using an input profile when you must use an
>>>>You really ought to tell more about how you are trying to print.

>> It hasn't got a printer profile at the moment 'cause I can't add the
>> printer but the default printer at present is
>> "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer" it's set at let windows choose,
>> and there's nothing displayed in the
>> "color profiles currently associated with this printer" box. If I set the
>> radio button to manual and one by one try to add the other avaliable
>> systems color profiles, I get the error "this is not a valid color
>> profile" again.
>> This also happens when trying to add a different color profiles for the
>> monitor. (Just incase this is affecting the process??) For instance I get
>> an error when trying to remove the assosiated profile, which is "SM226BW"
>> (which is the model # of the monitor, I try to add "sRGB Color Space
>> Profile.icm" and others , but again the same error message "invalid color
>> profile!
>> So in answer to your Question...All of them!!
>> I've been in touch with Samsung to see if there was any updates or
>> issues, just incase their color profile may cause this error, but they
>> say no.
>> Hope this will shed some light on the problem
>> Best Regards


Pegasus (MVP) wrote

> Google gave me 240 hits for the string
> "The specified color profile is invalid". I would start
> by checking them out.
> I also wonder why you would ask Samsung for an update on
> an Epson printer.

( wrote...Below is a copy from my post which you obviously never read)

> This also happens when trying to add a different color profiles for the
> monitor. (Just incase this is affecting the process??) For instance I get
> an error when trying to remove the associated profile, which is "SM226BW"
> (which is the model # of the monitor, I try to add "sRGB Color Space
> Profile.icm" and others , but again the same error message "invalid color
> profile!

I wasn't asking for an update for my printer, I was enquiring whether they
had any issues with their colour profile effecting the system color
profiles. Admittedly It was a shot in the dark but you never know.

(Pegasus (MVP) wrote)
> If this turns out to be a known bug with the driver for this
> printer then you might be better off retiring it instead of
> spending countless hours in attempt to fix what you cannot
> possibly fix.

( wrote,,,As I said earlier)
>> I've also tried the other half's Epson printer, and it still gives the
>> same
>> error! The both printer do work on xp sp2 systems as is the case that
>> they
>> have been working on the other half's o/s just fine.

(Pegasus (MVP) first post)
> Perhaps you had no takers because of your extremely short
> problem description.

( wrote)
I did as you requested... Respectfully perhaps you should take the time of
reading what you requested.

Last edited by a moderator:
(Phil wrote)

> Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
> drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> knowledge
> about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you posted.

"Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for me, a
lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to the
Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.

> IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.

Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on the
off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.

"Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
> '' wrote:
> | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously
> my
> | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
> | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> |
> | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> _____
> How to use Usenet.
> ** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
> ** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a
> Usenet
> newsgroup BEFORE you post.
> ** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.
> Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are new
> to
> Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the newsgroup
> system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post in
> ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader program
> will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
> eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to the
> post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT mark
> duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into
> mutually
> exclusive threads - that helps no one.
> If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain the
> problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
> corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)
> It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No one
> knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE WAITED A
> REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
> support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)
> You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a question.
> Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve the
> problem, including the results of such attempts.
> IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
> photographs with the correct color hues.
> When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT
> My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .
> How can I fix this problem?",
> THEN say so.
> Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
> Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor
> printer
> drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> knowledge
> about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you posted.
> IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
> Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get guesses,
> but
> you can make guess yourself, right B^)
> Phil Weldon
> "" wrote in message
> news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | Hi
> |
> | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a few
> | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer, obviously
> my
> | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone may
> | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> |
> | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> |
> | --
> | Regards
> |
> |
> |
> |
Last edited by a moderator:
'' wrote:
| "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for me,
| lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
| Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to the
| Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
| > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
| > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
| > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
| Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on
| off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
| printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
| related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
| sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.

Sorry I wasted my time.

If you intend to get productive help from Usenet newsgroups, an attitude
adjustment on your part is indicated. Rather than actually take note of and
make use of the posting approach suggested, you strike a counterproductive

Phil Weldon

"" wrote in message
| (Phil wrote)
| > Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
| > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
| > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
| > knowledge
| > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you
| "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for me,
| lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
| Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to the
| Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
| > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
| > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
| > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
| Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on
| off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
| printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
| related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
| sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.
| --
| Regards
| "Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
| news:LA9ni.9214$
| > '' wrote:
| > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
| > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
| > my
| > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone
| > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
| > |
| > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
| > _____
| >
| > How to use Usenet.
| >
| > ** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
| > ** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a
| > Usenet
| > newsgroup BEFORE you post.
| > ** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.
| >
| > Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are new
| > to
| > Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the
| > system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post
| > ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader
| > will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
| > eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to the
| > post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT mark
| > duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into
| > mutually
| > exclusive threads - that helps no one.
| >
| > If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain
| > problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
| > corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)
| >
| > It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No one
| > knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE WAITED
| > REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
| > support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)
| >
| > You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a question.
| > Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve
| > problem, including the results of such attempts.
| >
| > IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
| > photographs with the correct color hues.
| >
| > When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT
| >
| > My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .
| >
| > How can I fix this problem?",
| >
| > THEN say so.
| >
| > Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
| > Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor
| > printer
| > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
| > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
| > knowledge
| > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you
| > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
| > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
| > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
| >
| > Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get guesses,
| > but
| > you can make guess yourself, right B^)
| >
| > Phil Weldon
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > "" wrote in message
| > news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
| > | Hi
| > |
| > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
| > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
| > my
| > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone
| > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
| > |
| > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
| > |
| > | --
| > | Regards
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
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Since the error is a bad color profile on one computer, and the problem does
not occur on others--
What about getting a copy of the color profiles from one of them, and try
replacing those on the offending computer?
Take care to preserve the originals by copying them to another directory you
These are common locations for the files. A printer driver may have added a
subdirectory unique to the printer mfr.
*.icc and *.icm are the common search keys for color profiles/correction

"" wrote in message
> (Phil wrote)
> > Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
> > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> > knowledge
> > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you

> "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for me,

> lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
> Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to the
> Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
> > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.

> Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on

> off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
> printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
> related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
> sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.
> --
> Regards
> "Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
> news:LA9ni.9214$
> > '' wrote:
> > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a

> > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,

> > my
> > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone

> > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> > |
> > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> > _____
> >
> > How to use Usenet.
> >
> > ** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
> > ** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a
> > Usenet
> > newsgroup BEFORE you post.
> > ** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.
> >
> > Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are new
> > to
> > Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the

> > system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post

> > ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader

> > will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
> > eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to the
> > post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT mark
> > duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into
> > mutually
> > exclusive threads - that helps no one.
> >
> > If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain

> > problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
> > corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)
> >
> > It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No one
> > knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE WAITED

> > REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
> > support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)
> >
> > You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a question.
> > Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve

> > problem, including the results of such attempts.
> >
> > IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
> > photographs with the correct color hues.
> >
> > When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT
> >
> > My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .
> >
> > How can I fix this problem?",
> >
> > THEN say so.
> >
> > Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
> > Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor
> > printer
> > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> > knowledge
> > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you

> > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
> >
> > Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get guesses,
> > but
> > you can make guess yourself, right B^)
> >
> > Phil Weldon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "" wrote in message
> > news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> > | Hi
> > |
> > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a

> > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,

> > my
> > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone

> > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
> > |
> > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> > |
> > | --
> > | Regards
> > |
> > |
> > |
> > |
> >
> >

Last edited by a moderator:
I don't see your problem, you were the one shouting bad uninformed advice
and spouting the blatantly obviuos.

> | > Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer.

> >Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the

> | > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> | > knowledge
> | > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you
> posted.

The printer isn't the problem, it's the Microsoft error. which I'm asking in
the Microsoft NG's


"Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
> '' wrote:
> | "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for
> me,
> a
> | lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
> | Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to
> the
> | Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
> |
> | > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> | > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> | > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
> |
> | Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on
> the
> | off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
> | printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
> | related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
> | sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.
> ____
> Sorry I wasted my time.
> If you intend to get productive help from Usenet newsgroups, an attitude
> adjustment on your part is indicated. Rather than actually take note of
> and
> make use of the posting approach suggested, you strike a counterproductive
> attitude.
> Phil Weldon
> "" wrote in message
> news:uEzbPfYyHHA.4276@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | (Phil wrote)
> |
> | > Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
> | > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> | > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> | > knowledge
> | > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you
> posted.
> |
> | "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for
> me,
> a
> | lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
> | Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to
> the
> | Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
> |
> | > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> | > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> | > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
> |
> | Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on
> the
> | off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
> | printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
> | related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
> | sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.
> | --
> | Regards
> |
> |
> |
> | "Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
> | news:LA9ni.9214$
> | > '' wrote:
> | > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
> few
> | > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
> obviously
> | > my
> | > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone
> may
> | > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help
> me.
> | > |
> | > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> | > _____
> | >
> | > How to use Usenet.
> | >
> | > ** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
> | > ** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a
> | > Usenet
> | > newsgroup BEFORE you post.
> | > ** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.
> | >
> | > Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are
> new
> | > to
> | > Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the
> newsgroup
> | > system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post
> in
> | > ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader
> program
> | > will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
> | > eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to
> the
> | > post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT
> mark
> | > duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into
> | > mutually
> | > exclusive threads - that helps no one.
> | >
> | > If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain
> the
> | > problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
> | > corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)
> | >
> | > It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No
> one
> | > knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE
> A
> | > REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
> | > support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)
> | >
> | > You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a
> question.
> | > Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve
> the
> | > problem, including the results of such attempts.
> | >
> | > IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
> | > photographs with the correct color hues.
> | >
> | > When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT
> | > ERROR
> | > MESSAGE].
> | >
> | > My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .
> | >
> | > How can I fix this problem?",
> | >
> | > THEN say so.
> | >
> | > Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
> | > Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor
> | > printer
> | > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
> | > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
> | > knowledge
> | > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you
> posted.
> | > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
> | > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
> | > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
> | >
> | > Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get
> guesses,
> | > but
> | > you can make guess yourself, right B^)
> | >
> | > Phil Weldon
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | > "" wrote in message
> | > news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> | > | Hi
> | > |
> | > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a
> few
> | > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,
> obviously
> | > my
> | > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone
> may
> | > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help
> me.
> | > |
> | > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | Regards
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | > |
> | >
> | >
> |
> |
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi Chuck

I read something like this on a forum earlier on and copied it to notepad so
I'll try that tommorow. Didn't have time to do it on the other half's pc
'cause she was using it to catch up on her uni work.


"Chuck" <> wrote in message
> Since the error is a bad color profile on one computer, and the problem
> does
> not occur on others--
> What about getting a copy of the color profiles from one of them, and try
> replacing those on the offending computer?
> Take care to preserve the originals by copying them to another directory
> you
> create..
> These are common locations for the files. A printer driver may have added
> a
> subdirectory unique to the printer mfr.
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\color
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color
> *.icc and *.icm are the common search keys for color profiles/correction
> files
> "" wrote in message
> news:uEzbPfYyHHA.4276@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> (Phil wrote)
>> > Microsoft does not make printers, nor printer
>> > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
>> > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
>> > knowledge
>> > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you

> posted.
>> "Thanks" ...That's exactly what I did but to no avail. Fortunatley for
>> me,

> a
>> lot of the research I did for this error reported it was a problem with
>> Microsoft, Unfortunately for you, YOU didn't know this so MY post's to
>> the
>> Microsoft NG's was completely JUSTIFIED.
>> > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
>> > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
>> > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.

>> Unfortunately for now that doesn't seem to be the case, I was hoping on

> the
>> off chance that someone had the same problem that I'm having with MY
>> printer, (as it happens it doesn't seem to be printer specifc or driver
>> related or a compatability issue)and had a definitive answer. You see,
>> sometimes people on public NG's can be very helpfull.
>> --
>> Regards
>> "Phil Weldon" <> wrote in message
>> news:LA9ni.9214$
>> > '' wrote:
>> > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a

> few
>> > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,

> obviously
>> > my
>> > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone

> may
>> > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
>> > |
>> > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
>> > _____
>> >
>> > How to use Usenet.
>> >
>> > ** Refine your question BEFORE you post.
>> > ** Check the content (type of questions and information) posted in a
>> > Usenet
>> > newsgroup BEFORE you post.
>> > ** SELECT a newsgroup that covers topics related to your post.
>> >
>> > Cross-post to TWO or at most THREE newsgroups, especially if you are
>> > new
>> > to
>> > Usenet. NEVER multipost to related newsgroups it clogs up the

> newsgroup
>> > system (example, if you CROSS-POST then if a reader looks at your post

> in
>> > ONE of the cross-posted newsgroups, then that reader's newsreader

> program
>> > will mark that post as read in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups,
>> > eliminating duplication of effort. It will also make ANY replies to
>> > the
>> > post in ALL of the cross-posted newsgroups. MULTI-POSTING does NOT
>> > mark
>> > duplicates of a read post as read, and fragments the responses into
>> > mutually
>> > exclusive threads - that helps no one.
>> >
>> > If you are asking a question, post at least enough information explain

> the
>> > problem (including EXACT error messaes, if any) and to describe any
>> > corrective measures you have tried (including the results, if any.)
>> >
>> > It is useless to discribe earlier posts if you got no response. No one
>> > knows what you are talking about. Start a new thread IF YOU HAVE

> A
>> > REASONABLE TIME for a response (two day, say, for an active technical
>> > support newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics.)
>> >
>> > You are starting from scratch, and you have not really asked a
>> > question.
>> > Nor described the problem. Nor described what you have done to solve

> the
>> > problem, including the results of such attempts.
>> >
>> > IF your question is something like "My color printer will not print
>> > photographs with the correct color hues.
>> >
>> > When I try to change the color profile I get this error message [EXACT
>> > ERROR
>> > MESSAGE].
>> >
>> > My printer is [Brand] [Model] [type printer] [age] .
>> >
>> > How can I fix this problem?",
>> >
>> > THEN say so.
>> >
>> > Probably in a different newsgroup because non of the six listed in the
>> > Newsgroups line of your post. Microsoft does not make printers, nor
>> > printer
>> > drivers. Perhaps you should FIRST contact customer support at the
>> > manufacturer web site for your computer. There is where specific
>> > knowledge
>> > about YOUR printer can be found, NOT in ANY of the newsgroups you

> posted.
>> > IF there happens to be a problem of compatibility between YOUR printer
>> > (whatever it is) and Windows XP, then Microsoft and the computer
>> > manufacturer will, or will already have, worked out a solution.
>> >
>> > Until you get the preliminaries squared away, you can only get guesses,
>> > but
>> > you can make guess yourself, right B^)
>> >
>> > Phil Weldon
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > "" wrote in message
>> > news:O2KrX3JyHHA.1212@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> > | Hi
>> > |
>> > | Posted earlier but got no takers. I researched google and it seems a

> few
>> > | peeps have had this problem when trying to install a printer,

> obviously
>> > my
>> > | research was fruitless, so as a last ditch attemp i'm hoping someone

> may
>> > | have had the same problem and fixed it, hopefully they could help me.
>> > |
>> > | Excuse the muti and Xposts, I'm at mt wits end with this one.
>> > |
>> > | --
>> > | Regards
>> > |
>> > |
>> > |
>> > |
>> >
>> >


Last edited by a moderator: