Internet Explorer has stopped working

Tony D

FPCH Staff
Jan 18, 2016
SE Pennsylvania, USA
Windows 7
IE 11

After opening IE, get message the IE has stopped working. Looking for a solution. This repeats a few times and then the home page loads. Tried blank home page. Same results. Once things settle down and I have a page loaded, any other page that I open yields the same errors.

Same results if I run IE without Add-Ons.
I've reset IE.
Ran sfc /scannow
Uninstalled Verizon Internet Security.

  • IE works fine if opened using "Run as Administrator".
  • It also runs fine if I uncheck "Enable Protection mode".

Chrome works fine.

Been working on this for a few hours. Any suggestions?

Another clue: I created a new user account. IE works fine in that account. I'm thinking something with permissions. Have to compare permissions of the two accounts.
Hi Tony. Been reading up.
One suggested fix is
"Go to internet option -> Advance Tab -> tick mark on use software rendering instead of GPU rendering in accelerated graphics"
Others say a video driver is causing this same issue,
Thanks Dougie, I put a tick mark in there as you suggested. Problem persists.

Both accounts would be using the same video driver so that isn't the cause.

I've been looking for a difference between the accounts in iexplore.exe Properties, Security tab. Haven't found anything yet. I don't even see where the original account and the new test accounts are listed separately.
Internet Explorer

Stopped working

‎8/‎31/‎2016 4:46 PM

Not reported

Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: IEXPLORE.EXE
Application Version: 11.0.9600.18427
Application Timestamp: 57a02609
Fault Module Name: KERNELBASE.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.23418
Fault Module Timestamp: 5708a7e4
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0002ece7
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Another clue: I created a new user account. IE works fine in that account. I'm thinking something with permissions. Have to compare permissions of the two accounts.
If it works OK when you created a new user account,then it could be user profile corruption, Tony..

Log in as a different User. rename the problem profile. Log in as the original user again. A new profile will get created. If the crash is gone, copy over your user data from the corrupted one.

If it does not solve the issue. Repeat steps with default folder too. This is the template profile, when creating new profiles.
Found the problem. I turned off this file using msconfig
<Origianl User>\AppData\Local\Programs\\Add-On\2013.3.19.3\bfhp.exe

That fixed things. The clue to it was when I ran the Troubleshooter, it said I had multiple items running at startup. I had seen it in msconfig earlier but didn't think much about it since IE worked in the test account I created. IE also worked using the two workarounds: Run as Admin and Run with Protection mode disabled.

Note: Neither Verizon Internet Security, Malwarebytes AntiMalware, ESET on-line scanner, nor Emsisoft AntiMalware flagged this file.
Correction: I looked thru the logs and Emsisoft AntiMalware did flag it. I ignored it. My bad.

And yes, looks like malware. It's been removed by adwCleaner.
Thanks, but I don't think I figured it out completely. The problem startup item should affect both the original user and the Test user account that I set up. It did not. I don't know the mechanics behind this and that bothers me.

In the end, all is good. Lesson learned? Remove whatever malware is on the machine, even if you don't think it should have an effect on your particular issue.