Internet Explorer Freezing

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I have IE 7, windows XP SP2, and a DAMN fast computer (AMD 5000+ 2 GB of DDR2
RAM, etc.) so this machine is not simply crashing. But whenever I go to a
page more advanced (with more style and content) than somethign as simple as
google, the page will lock up and I'll have to end the task. I believe it has
something to do with the content on the page. Basically every page on the net
does it now.

Any ideas? Anyone?
You may have a horked (dirty; bad; flawed) install of IE7. I suggest that

1. Uninstall IE7 (which automatically returns you to IE6) per

2a. Uninstall all toolbars and third-party Windows Themes (including Window

2b. Disable all Norton Add-ons, if applicable.

3. Reinstall IE7 exactly per, and using as the installation
source, not Automatic/Windows Update.

4. IMMEDIATELY go to and install any
critical updates offered. If a "Root Certificates" update is listed in the
Optional category, you might install it, too, to take full advantage of
IE7's additional security.

Also see:

IEBlog : IE7 (Un)Installation and Anti-Malware Applications

What's New in Internet Explorer 7

Release Notes

=> Those with IE7-specific questions or comments are asked to post to and
seek support in this newsgroup: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

On the web:

In your newsreader:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
AumHa VSOP & Admin
DTS-L wrote:
> I have IE 7, windows XP SP2, and a DAMN fast computer (AMD 5000+ 2 GB of
> DDR2 RAM, etc.) so this machine is not simply crashing. But whenever I go
> to a page more advanced (with more style and content) than somethign as
> simple as google, the page will lock up and I'll have to end the task. I
> believe it has something to do with the content on the page. Basically
> every page on the net does it now.
> Any ideas? Anyone?
On Dec 25, 10:05 am,
<> wrote:

> Any ideas? Anyone?

How much room do you have reserved for Temporary Internet Files?

Have you played with the paramaters there... including how IE checks
for updates to the pages?

Do you have a bunch of programs configured to block popups and/or ads? wrote:
> I have IE 7, windows XP SP2, and a DAMN fast computer (AMD 5000+ 2 GB of DDR2
> RAM, etc.) so this machine is not simply crashing. But whenever I go to a
> page more advanced (with more style and content) than something as simple as
> google, the page will lock up and I'll have to end the task. I believe it has
> something to do with the content on the page. Basically every page on the net
> does it now.
> Any ideas? Anyone?

- Open Internet Properties.
- Click Settings button from the General tab.
- Click View Objects.
- Right-click the "Shockwave Flash Object".
- Click Repair, Remove, whatever you want to try..

Repair 5.6 Scripting Engine install:

- Click, Start, Run, type

Regsvr32 vbscript.dll

- Click OK

- Click Start, Run, type

Regsvr32 jscript.dll

- Click OK

You might look through the suggestions on this web site:

Also look through ActiveX installs to see if any are damaged or

- Open Internet Properties.
- Click Settings button from the General tab.
- Click View Objects.
- Look for Damaged or unneeded components.
- Click Repair if damaged, or Remove if not needed. Some dial-up modems
install ActiveX components so look at a component's details before removing.

Look through Add-Ons and temporarily disable any that look suspect, or

Joe =o)