Intel Pro/1000 CT Network


Active Member
Dec 25, 2003
Sorry to bother again, but I'm stuck on this problem.

I have a Gigabyte GA-8KNXP (rev 1.x) motherboard with a onboard network chip (the Intel Pro/1000 CT). Just over a month ago it refused to work anymore, and a "add new hardware" screen would appear, telling me to install drivers for an "ethernet controller".

After it refused to read the original drivers I had, I downloaded a new copy of drivers for "Intel Pro/1000 family" including the new PROSet program. This installed and XP identified the chip correctly with no problems there.

However, I've since found that the network icon for the network card/chip still does not appear under "network connections", and the new PROSet program gives me an error, telling me that "The miniport driver could not be loaded."

I have no idea what's wrong now so please help.
I have that same chip on both my boxes. I use the proset drivers and never had a problem. It could be you installed the wrong driver. If I remember there are 2 versions. One for the older chip and one for the newer.
Remove the device in device manager and then reboot. You should be prompted to install driver from disk. Download an older version of the driver from intels site and use it. If that still doesn't work then maybe the device is dead.
Just clarifying- is the miniport driver the same as the network driver or is there another one I have to install?

I certainly hope its not a dead device. I've only had it for 6 months :) :(
Miniport driver is the driver used to connect with pppoe to a dsl line.
Are you using pppoe software and if you are is the software you are using WinPOET?
Bob Schwarz Sr said:
Miniport driver is the driver used to connect with pppoe to a dsl line.
Are you using pppoe software and if you are is the software you are using WinPOET?

I definitely don't use WinPOET but i'm not sure what pppoe is so I don't know how to go abouts finding out. By the way, I'm using dial-up at the moment (if that helps with anything).

so far, I've uninstalled the current driver for the network card and the add new hardware screen appeared once more. I tried installing drivers using the original drivers CD that came with the motherboard but the wizard says that no relevant driver could be found. What should I do?
I've got the same problem. I havn't found a cure yet but it is definatly a bug with the GA-8KNXP motherboards not a driver issue.

The ethernet never worked on the first GA-8KNXP Rev 1 I got. I RMA'd it and it was replaced with a GA-8KNXP Rev 2 this worked fine until last week (3 months). Both times the device was showing in device manager but I couldn't get driver to install. The driver on the Gigabite driver CD should install fine, as it did when i first got the GA-8KNXP Rev 2. However it doesn't even display an install option.

I emailed gigabite support about this 5 days ago but they still haven't got back to me. I am currently having to use a PCI network card.

I have searched the web and this seems to be a recurring problem:
Well, at least its good to hear I'm not alone on this issue.

So far i've only found one set of new drivers released by Gigabyte. Unfortunately, those drivers are in traditional chinese, meaning my computer can't actually read it... :(
i had this problem, and managed to get around it
all i did was have a network cable plugged in, and have iot connected to w network (so the card lights are on) then turned on my comp.

it then appeared in windows
rhinobeetle said:
i had this problem, and managed to get around it
all i did was have a network cable plugged in, and have iot connected to w network (so the card lights are on) then turned on my comp.

it then appeared in windows

Oh, cool. I might try that some time then
Try clearing the CMOS by pulling the battery with the system unplugged and count to 10. Set the BIOS defaults and reboot. Go back into the BIOS and config as necessary.

This problem has happened to me twice already. The first instance was fixed when I gave in and added a second Intel NIC to the box. I presume that jolted the BIOS enough to remedy whatever corruption was there and effectively cleared the problem. Try my first suggestion first though, that should remedy the problem for you...worked for me anyway.

- ShY5TR -
Well, I'm happy to say it's finally working now. However, I didn't have to go through what ShY5TR told me. In fact, I didn't do anything at all!

About 1 week back, the chip just started working after I turned my computer on. The "add new hardware" wizard didn't pop up, and the PROset program read the chip without a problem.

So, for this problem, all that I did was give the computer a lot of affection :D