Installing Talktalk broadband modem. USB vs Ethernet

  • Thread starter Thread starter TJ
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If you're having trouble with USB broadband modem installation this
may help.

Talktalk sent me the HUAWEI SmartAX MT882 broadband modem - with both
USB and LAN/ Ethernet connections.

Previously I used a Sagem 800 USB modem through USB 1 at 2meg speeds
with no problems running on WIN ME.

I chose USB (as I had previously never loaded the LAN driver, having
no need for Ethernet before when I built the PC).

Download speeds showed 2.5-4 meg range. But literally everything IE6,
FIREFOX was haywire or totally unresponsive. And Windows crashed at
any time.

I unisntalled the modem driver - loaded the LAN driver from the mobo
CD, then went through loading the TALKTALK modem again - chose the
Ethernet option (which they recommeded it must be said) and night
turned to day. Instant top speed and stability.

If you are not buying an modem.router where Ethernet connections are
standard, demand a broadband modem with Ethernet option - especially
if you only have USB 1. You will free up a USB port - and the whole
PC !

If the LAN/Ethernet driver hasn't been loaded, load it from the
motherboard CD, then proceed to install the modem.

Using Ethernet is much faster (than USB 1), plus it frees up your
already low USB 1 bandwidth, which internet speeds >2meg will choke
totally, and the USB modem driver will screw up your whole machine.
