Install IE9 update on Vista

Tony D

FPCH Staff
Jan 18, 2016
SE Pennsylvania, USA
I'm working on a Vista machine. Windows update fails to install IE9 for Vista with error Code 9c48.

IE 9 is already installed on this computer. The version in the About IE is KB3100773 9.0.8112.16421 . The version associated with the exe is 9.0.8112.16717. Those two version number are not the same. Doesn't sound right to me.

I downloaded IE 9 from MS. It says it’s 9.0.8112.16421. When I try to install it, it says there is a newer version already installed. This makes sense looking at the version number of the installed .exe.

I searched the machine for any other iexplore files. It found a bunch in c:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-i..explorer-optional followed by a bunch of numbers. There are probably about 50 of these folders in the winsxs folder. Each of these folders contain an iexplore.exe file along with a few other files.

1) I've not had to deal with this winsxs folder. What's this all about?
2) The update still wants to install is IE9 for Windows Vista. Doesn’t give a KB number. I think I'm OK, but I'd like to tell Windows update to not ask about doing this particular update again. I don't see a way to do that.

Having a headache day.
I did right click the update to hide it and that worked until I restarted the machine or maybe until I went back to Windows update again. I'll have to check. I'm running the Windows update Hot Fix tool right now.
After running the Windows Update Hot Fix, I'm still seeing the same problem with the IE 9 update. However, the Hide update is now sticking. So I don't have to worry about it any longer.