"Incorrect Function" Error with Windows file sharing


Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
We're trying to get my Dad's new machine (running XP Home) up and running, and seem to have hit a problem with local network shares. Other computers can access the folders and printers designated 'shared' on the new machine, but it can't see any other machines on the network. An attempt to list computers in the workgroup, either with 'net view' in DOS, or with the My Network Places window, fails with "System Error 1: Incorrect Function". The only query to not return this error was 'net view \\dadsdell' (dadsdell is the name of the machine having the problem). We've disabled the Windows firewall and the McAffee firewall (both part of the default Dell installation) in an attempt to remove variables, but the problem persists.

In brief, the problem: All machines on the network can see the machine's shares. The machine can see no shares other than its own.

If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
I've see that error on my wifes Dell when trying to view shared files. It turned out that the Dell had the workgroup game set as DELLHOME or something like that.
I just got this error. I'm setting up file sharing between my wifes box and mine so That I can grab pictures of my new grandson. I have workgroup set the same and folders to be shared have correct permissions. She had NIS and Zone Alarm Pro installed. I shut them down and got the error again. I went into my wireless router config and set her box in DMZ and I was able to access the files and from her box could access my shares.
My problem had to do with something in the router. I can't check if this related to being hooked up wireless since I don't have any way to run a cable from her box to the router to hardwire it.
Are you by chance using a wireless router?
I'm using a wireless router, but the new machine and the machines we're accessing it from are using wired ports. I'll poke around the router config to see if anything looks odd. We haven't had issues introducing XP machines (both home and pro) to the (mostly Win98) network before, which is why I found this a little odd.
We got it to work with the tried and true procedure of reinstalling until it submits. We removed all of the various services and protocols in the properties of the network connection, rebooted, and added them back. Once we put everything in place, network shares were visible as normal.