Im not understanding script. Help Please.

  • Thread starter Thread starter lenmanny
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I have read a lot of shell script tutors off of google,
and forums. They say there easy, but am having a lot of
trouble understanding them. I have ADHD. My reading,
writing, and consintration is very bad.

I was wondering, if someone can rewrite this run.bat file into a linux shell script file for me. I will be double clicking on the file to run it from a file manager.

The files name is run.bat...
Inside the file is only one line...

unrar e file_1.rar

Can someone turn that one line into a shell script file

Also, i have a multi part rar file...


Will that same command (unrar e file.rar) unrar
multipart file?

Also, that file_1.rar was made in windows. It has a
windows folder in it called temp. Inside that temp
folder is all the files. Will that command (unrar e
file_1.rar) keep the original structure?

I mite have to have two different run.bat files...


And by the way..both files are password protected.

Can someone write these scripts for me? With me having
ADHD, i am having a hard time understanding the easy
tutors on google and forms. They are making no since to

I do no a lot on how to use file managers. I do no a lot
about windows folders, how to create them, how to move
around them, how to copy, cut, paste, rename and a lot
of other file managment stuff.

I just need to work with rar files in linux from a file
manager. And the easyest way for me to do that is by
unraring a rar file by double clicking on an shell
script file. The same way you would with an run.bat

So will someone write a couple simple shell script files
to unrar these files for me? Please?

Thanks a Lot

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