If You Think You Hate Linux Now.................

  • Thread starter Thread starter pus.boy99@gmail.com
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I use Windows, but there are a lot of good repair Linux tools for Windows out

Linux has helped me in my business many a time!
Data Recovery, Passwords recovered all done with Linux.

So, until you know what you are talking about, SHUT UP!

pus.boy99@gmail.com" wrote:

> ...........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, pus.boy99@gmail.com
on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:39:20 -0700
> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

Gosh, such specifics from such a highly credible
source. Dare I even give you the time of day, Mister

(Call me The Spooky Thing In The Mechanical Contrivance,
if you like. :-P)

One can, of course, contemplate whether one hates any of
the following.

[1] The Linux developers. There's a few of them, and
standard troll tactics apparently is to describe them as
unwashed, unshaven yahoos with hippie hairdos and tie-dye
shirts. (IBM might quibble with you on that they're a
fairly large supporter of Linux, at least the s390 variant.
I don't know what IBM dresscode requirements are in Armonk,
NY nowadays.)

[2] The Linux distro developers. This set is of course
more responsible for the tools developed around Linux
and Linux distros, than for developing Linux proper.

[3] The Linux module developers. I'm not sure exactly
how modules are developed and folded into the kernel,
but folded they are, at least on an occasional basis.

[4] The Linux users. Strictly speaking, these are very
few most users of Linux distros will use the tools,
not the kernel directly -- which makes the user a tool
user. Those that do use Linux, of course, know about the
kernel-user boundary wall -- in Intel parlance, one might
call it a callgate or trapgate -- which is only enterable
by using the illegal instruction call (in user space)
int $0x80 (on the x86 variant note that this syntax is
slightly different from the official INT 80H syntax in
MASM, which is probably more familiar to most).

[5] Freeware developers and users. These overlap but are not
concident with the set of Linux developers and users. KDE
and Gnome in particular can be built on any Unix+X system,
and used there.

So swallow a chill pill and swab that thing with some soap.
It'll heal better. :-)

#191, ewill3@earthlink.net -- insert random yellow stuff here
Linux makes one use one's mind.
Windows just messes with one's head.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
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7 wrote:
> Micoshaft's Asstroturfer pus.boy99@gmail.com wrote on behalf of Micoshaft
> Corporation:
>> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

> You will love it.
> Got mine from here...
> http://www.livecdlist.com
> Knoppix, DSL, Ubuntu, Mepis, GParted
> all free and all with source code.
> Don't Pistify your PC - De-Pistify it Now!
> Install Linux and be done with.
> http://www.distrowatch.com
> for more information on each Linux distro.

<Oh no, the 7th loon *a serious Linux lunatic* has been aroused. The
Linux trolls trolling Vista.General are no match to you 7. This NG has a
serious Linux troll posting to it. :)>
1 serious linux poster, and a bunch of blowhard dorkhead vistaboys you

"The *Linux Pimp* Adam Albright" <HisBigPimping@SpreadingLinuxCheese.net>
wrote in message news:uahd7BVAIHA.4752@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>7 wrote:
>> Micoshaft's Asstroturfer pus.boy99@gmail.com wrote on behalf of Micoshaft
>> Corporation:
>>> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

>> You will love it.
>> Got mine from here...
>> http://www.livecdlist.com
>> Knoppix, DSL, Ubuntu, Mepis, GParted
>> all free and all with source code.
>> Don't Pistify your PC - De-Pistify it Now!
>> Install Linux and be done with.
>> http://www.distrowatch.com
>> for more information on each Linux distro.

> <Oh no, the 7th loon *a serious Linux lunatic* has been aroused. The Linux
> trolls trolling Vista.General are no match to you 7. This NG has a serious
> Linux troll posting to it. :)>
Tiberius wrote:
> 1 serious linux poster, and a bunch of blowhard dorkhead vistaboys you
> mean...

<With a *clown* like you, nothing else need be said. And I have seen
that lunatic 7 get its ass kicked 7 times to hell and back not only by
MS but Linux users a well for running its mouth. :)>
I know who you are so go swing in a tree and stuff your face with a banana

you have never contributed anything to this newsgroup.. your not even

"The *Linux Pimp* Adam Albright" <HisBigPimping@SpreadingLinuxCheese.net>
wrote in message news:%231LgxQWAIHA.4836@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl...
> Tiberius wrote:
>> 1 serious linux poster, and a bunch of blowhard dorkhead vistaboys you
>> mean...

> <With a *clown* like you, nothing else need be said. And I have seen that
> lunatic 7 get its ass kicked 7 times to hell and back not only by MS but
> Linux users a well for running its mouth. :)>
In comp.os.linux.advocacy, The *Linux Pimp* Adam Albright
on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 20:11:59 -0400
> Tiberius wrote:
>> 1 serious linux poster, and a bunch of blowhard dorkhead vistaboys you
>> mean...

> <With a *clown* like you, nothing else need be said. And I have seen
> that lunatic 7 get its ass kicked 7 times to hell and back not only by
> MS but Linux users a well for running its mouth. :)>

7 has his moments but one does have to take him cum grano
salis. It is interesting to contemplate his creative
misspellings. :-)

Vista => Pista
Windows => windopes, windops
Microsoft => Microshaft or Micoshaft
XP => ex-pee

etc. Presumably he's had bad experiences with Windows
in the past -- and he's not the only one.

Not that some of the the Wintrools [*] are much better:
"lienux" is somewhat common, as is "linsux". "Open sores"
is used by at least one trool. However, most of the trolls [+]
apparently prefer to simply call us liars and cheats (or some
variant thereof) for pushing a solution that "doesn't work
as well as Windows" in various capacities -- the most notable
ones being hardware and software support.

This is somewhat amusing in certain contexts x86-64
Linux support in particular came out well before Windows,
and Windows still cannot support IBM's z-Series, ARM
microprocessors, or 680x0-based equipment. PPC, yes.
(I think.)

I believe Linux also supported a certain RAID controller
first. I do not know whether Vista and nVidia have kissed
and made up even yet...and it's been how long since Vista's
release?? To be sure, www.nvidia.com readily coughs
up a Vista-32 driver for nVidia for the GeForce 8 GPU.
However, there is no Vista driver for the GeForce FX 5100,
or for the GeForce FX 5500 -- which I think is what I have.
Buy a new card, I guess, if I really want to run Vista on
my 512 MB Athlon 1.4 MHz....though why I'd want to shell
out $349 for Windows Vista Ultimate Edition [I can't use
an upgrade on that particular machine] is far from clear.

Go ahead, try to convince me I need Vista. I dare you... -)

[*] in case you're wondering, the term is a combination of
Windows + troll + drool. If they're going to insult
my favorite OS...well...at least you know my biases
now, but I don't like to delve into personal vindictiveness
unless it's really really obvious that the poster is an
non-educatable idiot.

[+] Trolls tend to drool less than trools.

#191, ewill3@earthlink.net
Windows. Because it's not a question of if.
It's a question of when.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:39:20 -0700, pus.boy99 wrote:

> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

Tried it. I love it!!
On Sep 27, 3:39 pm, pus.bo...@gmail.com wrote:
> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

If you are really WANT to have a MISERABLE Linux experience:
- Buy a machine with DirectX-10 video cards - sure to be Linux
- Download a Debian release from a suspicious mirror - preferably an
old release.
- Don't ask anyone for help, and don't let anyone know you are
trying Linux.
- Don't read any instructions.
- Don't back up any of your Windows data.
- Don't shrink your windows partition (wipe it out).
- Don't spend more than 8 hours doing the installation.
- Don't use the defaults.
- Don't actually use any of the applications for more than 30
- Only look at applications that are most similar to Windows

When you are done with your 8 hours of unguided self-sabotaged
installation, and your 30-90 minutes of actual use, compare this with
your 15 years of experience with Windows, and post your "expert
opinion" that Linux is "Unfit for human consumption" to COLA
newsgroups, as well as as many other blogs, diggs, and feedbacks as

Then send a bill to Microsoft - you should ask for about $10,000 and
see what they do as a counter-offer. Send them copies of all your
anti-Linux tirades.
"Tiberius" <Tibery@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>1 serious linux poster, and a bunch of blowhard dorkhead vistaboys you

Yeah, this is civilized communication. On point about your dissatisfaction
with Vista, too. Well, maybe not.

"Rex Ballard" <rex.ballard@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Sep 27, 3:39 pm, pus.bo...@gmail.com wrote:
>> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

> If you are really WANT to have a MISERABLE Linux experience:
> - Buy a machine with DirectX-10 video cards - sure to be Linux
> Hostile
> - Download a Debian release from a suspicious mirror - preferably an
> old release.
> - Don't ask anyone for help, and don't let anyone know you are
> trying Linux.
> - Don't read any instructions.
> - Don't back up any of your Windows data.
> - Don't shrink your windows partition (wipe it out).
> - Don't spend more than 8 hours doing the installation.
> - Don't use the defaults.
> - Don't actually use any of the applications for more than 30
> minutes.
> - Only look at applications that are most similar to Windows
> applications.
> When you are done with your 8 hours of unguided self-sabotaged
> installation, and your 30-90 minutes of actual use, compare this with
> your 15 years of experience with Windows, and post your "expert
> opinion" that Linux is "Unfit for human consumption" to COLA
> newsgroups, as well as as many other blogs, diggs, and feedbacks as
> possible.

If you substitute Vista for Linux you can fit that description to the trolls
in m.p.w.v.g who want M$ to stick with XP. -)
On Sep 28, 2:14 am, "dennis@home" <den...@killspam.kicks-ass.net>
> "Rex Ballard" <rex.ball...@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1190956657.500231.299170@w3g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
> > On Sep 27, 3:39 pm, pus.bo...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> ..........Just wait until you actually try it!!!!

> If you substitute Vista for Linux you can fit that description to the trolls
> in m.p.w.v.g who want M$ to stick with XP. -)

Let's see if we can do the substitutions.

> > If you are really WANT to have a MISERABLE Vista experience:
> > - Buy a machine with OpenGL video cards - sure to be Vista Hostile

> > - Purchase an Vista Home Basic Upgrade release from a suspicious Vendor
> > - preferably a Beta release, or an OEM release for the wrong machine..
> > - Don't ask anyone for help, and don't let anyone know you are
> > trying Vista
> > - Don't read any instructions.
> > - Don't back up any of your Windows XP data.
> > - Don't shrink your windows partition (wipe it out).
> > - Don't spend more than 8 hours doing the installation.
> > - Don't use the defaults.
> > - Don't actually use any of the applications for
> > - more than 30 minutes.
> > - Only look at applications that are most similar to WindowsXP
> > applications.

> > When you are done with your 8 hours of unguided self-sabotaged
> > installation, and your 30-90 minutes of actual use, compare this with
> > your 15 years of experience with Previous Versions of Windows,
> > and post your "expert opinion" that Linux is "Unfit for human consumption"
> > to MPWVG newsgroups, as well as as many other blogs, diggs, and feedbacks as
> > possible.

Yep. Looks like you get about the same result.
> So swallow a chill pill and swab that thing with some soap.
> It'll heal better. :-)

<Do you think I care about this? If you like Linux, then use it. I got
Linus too, because it's no big deal. The Linux O/S and MS O/S are just
that, O/S(s) no more and no less, a bunch of programs written by Human
Being, fallible Human Beings at that. If you have an issue with that,
then let me get you a tissue, so that you can wipe you eyes and blow
your nose. :)>