Windows 2000 IE6 Very slow; System Log evnt id 10010

  • Thread starter Thread starter J
  • Start date Start date


On startup and when going to a new webpage is terribly slow.

In the system log I see logs being generated. One is:
Source DCOM
Event ID 10010
The server [long alpha numeric here] did not register with DCOM within
required timeout.

Any idea what is going on here?

Thank you.

Hello J,

Search in the registry for the number to find out the application causing
the problem. Also look here:

Best regards

Meinolf Weber
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> On startup and when going to a new webpage is terribly slow.
> In the system log I see logs being generated. One is:
> Source DCOM
> Event ID 10010
> The server [long alpha numeric here] did not register with DCOM within
> required timeout.
> Any idea what is going on here?
> Thank you.
> John