No service tag sticker on this old unit Cindy, also the rom in question is not the original rom it's a spare I had here replacing the dead drive in the unit.
Oh BTW, I wish to reload XP but it doesn't have a USB boot option which is why I need to fix the rom issue, strange thing is the 2 drives on this unit shows drivers not installed, I changed the IDE cable so my guess is maybe the controller is damaged? Only way I'll know is if I can get the driver for any of the roms, tried looking for the first two but couldn't find those.
I had already tried changing the cable before posting here Rich, I junked that old pc since no USB option to reload XP and it's obvious the rom problem is a mobo issue.
Agreed we can't win them all Mike. What I was thinking was remembering that the ide cable was cable select where one cable was master and one slave depending on the order they were plugged in so they might show but not work if incorrectly plugged but more likley was bad mobo anyway. There also were cables with double sets of wires in them for newer drives but I think they only affected hard drives anyway.