I un-installed Catalyst Control Center which un-installed a few other things related, one of them my


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I un-installed Catalyst Control Centre, as it was taking up space, it kept making pop-ups saying it had stopped working. I also read somewhere (not Wikipedia) that Catalyst Control Centre was a virus so I un-installed it, which un-installed a few other
things related to it one of them my Video Card which I now understand handles Screen Resolution, Colour Scheme, My Personalisation Colour Settings in Google Chrome and alot of other features that I'm just discovering. It lowered the Screen Resolution on my Laptop (zoomed
it in a lot) and reset all my colour personalisations to the standard which I hate. I'm wondering if I should reset my computer to an earlier date or if I should download a new Video Card. I have downloaded the Catalyst Control Centre and what came with it
but nothing has changed now, options in Control Panel &gt Appearance and Personalisation are missing which is what I used to make my settings and where it normally lets me change colours (I had chosen red) are all gone. The screen resolution is still a little
low (which means its still a little zoomed in) in from what it was previously and how I liked it but at least I can still do what I need to (I use this computer mainly for Facebook and Games, my whole life revolves around the two of them, so for me it's essential
that I fix this, It may not seem like a big deal to you but to me it is!) So should I reset my computer to an earlier date or download something or what. Just please help me. If I have to do a System Restore could someone please tell me how to do it or where
to go?
I am using a Windows Vista Business 32-bit. Thanks guys, -Zane.

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