I can't shut down my system properly


Jul 19, 2004
Nothern Ohio
undefined :confused: Hello, I have been haveing problems with my XP Pro version for about 2 months now. Every Time I shut my system down or reboot, I have no problems until it is almost done. I get a blue screen that says This error message.
Sysevent.sys address EB9641AD base at EB95F000, date stamp 3f31ac37
also I have above it
0x0000008E (0xc0000005,0xEB9641AD,0xF798A4C,0x00000000 )

Then it says Dumping Phyical memory to disk:
I then see if I wait longer than about 5 seconds max numbers starting from 01 to whatever by the time it gets to 10 I have shut it down by using my main button on the CPU.
Help I can't go to system restore to set it back due to improper shutdown. I am not completely updated on computers but I can find my way around it OK, I guess. :( :( :(
Also, I do not have a Dell, I put this together about a year ago. I have an intel boardw/ p4 2.8 1 gig ram 2 x 512, total 160 hd & 256mb Nvidia video 5200 card. I can't even figure what program I could have downloaded to have this happen. I rarely download from the internet unless I know the site well. I have all the upgrades for all components in my computer installed. :( :( :(
Do you have Norton AV installed?
The error you get is a Symatech component used by Norton AV. If you are running Norton you might want to do a repair install.
Hi Bob,
I do not have Norton Anti Virus, But I do have Norton Firewall Protection. I use Extendia Anti-Virus. I did do a complete search for Av on my system and it was all removed. So there was no trace in my system. I will try to do a repair of the firewall and get back to you. Thank yu so much. I have ran into othe problems and before I would ask I searched through the threads to see if someone had asked before and usually found one.

Thanks again :)
Well Bob I have treid to do everything I can but nothing works. I have uninstalled my Norton Firewall completely (i believe) and treid to search my system to find anything with symatec or anything of Norton on my system and nothing was found. I tried to shut down my system and it still does the same thing . I did it 3 times just to make sure. But I believe it is not totally deleting everything since I can't complete a full shut down without having to do a manual shutdown. Any more sujestions?