HydraVision is totally awesome


Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
I just got a CRT hooked up to my laptop, which happens to have a Hydravision-equipped videocard. This is the most amazing thing I've ever used; it even compensates for the fact that the CRT physically sits higher than the laptop screen to provide a seamless desktop. I'd highly recommend HydraVision-capable cards to anyone who has a use for multimonitor (which, now that I use it, would seem to be everyone)
i use dual monitors...well sort of.

i use my tv as an extension to my desktop. it's good for watching dvds, as i don't have a real dvd player, and don't need one with a dvd rom.

i also like using it to display geforce, a winamp visualization pluggin.

don't really have room for dual monitors though, and not much need either, most of what i do is gaming. though it is really cool having mIRC in one screen, while i surf in another.
I've tried the DVDs-on-TV thing, but in their infinite wisdom, IBM set up my laptop such that the S-Video port is disabled when DVDs are in use ... kinda frustrating. Oh well, that's what the old Win98 box is for - plays, rips, and burns anything at all.