HT Technology vs Centrino


Active Member
Jan 15, 2004
Southampton Uk
Hello again,

Once again i am weighing up ideas and am thinking about getting either a laptop which can hyper thread or a centrino. For a laptop im really not sure which would be better, i would prefer to spend less than 1500 Euros. As i have said before im not a big fan of intel but these new ones seem quite good so i might force myself out of my old habits for this. What do we think?
wildfire1982 said:
Hello again,

Once again i am weighing up ideas and am thinking about getting either a laptop which can hyper thread or a centrino. For a laptop im really not sure which would be better, i would prefer to spend less than 1500 Euros. As i have said before im not a big fan of intel but these new ones seem quite good so i might force myself out of my old habits for this. What do we think?

Go Centrino (that is actually a combination of hardware and not a processor type, BTW). It has a larger cache than the HT procs and IIRC, it has dual cores rather than a virtual core and physical core. (May be wrong there, don't remember the Intel conference that well) The Centrino processor (actually Pentium M is the designation) use less power so you will get longer battery life as well. A 1.5Ghz Pentium M is roughly equal in performance to a 3.0Ghz Pentium IV in a laptop, but it will use about 1/3 as much power.

That is exactly what i wanted to hear! I havent actually read any testing reviews in comparison. I have looked into the specs and different technologies but never found any bench marks or anything. I do use my computers alot and rely on them so i do try to get a good all round view. Cheers for that. Any other views also welcome!
The Pentium M is actually designed to go in notebooks and consume minimal power. The majority of laptops with a HT P4 in them are using a desktop chip, and are thus large, heavy, and eat batteries. Having used laptops with both, I'd definately go with the Pentium M (Centrino, if you want the wireless)