how to send or make fake cookies

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
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I am not trying to hack into email account cause I have heard that you
can do that by using fake cookies. I just want to fake cookies so when I
have to use cookies to login to sites that require cookies so then I can
then fake accepting the cookie(s) and then send a fake cookie(s). the
only program I know of that can fake the accepting of cookies and send
fake cookies is Proxomitron but I do
not want to use that program because it does a lot of other things that
I already do with a host file, extensions to firefox, and modifications
in the about:config.

so does any body know of a program or ways that you can fake the
accepting of cookies and sending fake cookies?
Why not just set the Options -> Privacy ->
cookie settings to "For the originating site only"
and "Until I close Firefox"? That way sites are
limited to using cookies only in the way they were
intended. Ad companies like Doubleclick can get
around "For the originating site only", if you don't
have those companies in your HOSTS file. That means
they can track your movements online, but they'll
still only be able to track you until you close the
session if you use the "Until I close Firefox" setting.

If you need a cookie to log into a website it's usually
because they have a primitive server-side setup and
need the cookie to track your movement between pages.
Without that the site won't work because the server
doesn't know you logged in on one page when you
load the next. So what would you fake in that case?
All the cookie is doing in that scenario is to send a
unique ID back and forth so that the server knows how
to set up the page you're viewing. You could maybe forge
the ID, but it doesn't matter. Either way it's a unique
text string that the server uses to track you between
pages. It's harmless as long as you don't keep permanent

The problem cookies are the ones from Google, Doubleclick,
Microsoft and other large corporations, that stay permanently
on a PC, enabling those companies to track you and eventually
identify you. And if you have any relationship with such companies
- a gmail or hotmail account, say - you've sacrificed even more

(Once the Google - Doubleclick deal goes through they
should be able to easily have large dossiers on, at the very least,
all gmail users. They can cross-reference the Doubleclick and
gmail cookies and then recognize those users at nearly every
site they visit.
Google recently made a big deal about saying that their cookies,
which were set to expire in 2038, will now expire 2 years after
your last Google visit. That was supposed to be a gesture in the
interest of privacy. Much of the online news media was very
cooperative with Google, posting that alleged "news flash" as
though it meant something. But it's really just an insidious lie. Anyone
who doesn't visit Google for 2 years is irrelevant to them...and
probably doesn't have a computer!)

> I am not trying to hack into email account cause I have heard that you
> can do that by using fake cookies. I just want to fake cookies so when I
> have to use cookies to login to sites that require cookies so then I can
> then fake accepting the cookie(s) and then send a fake cookie(s). the
> only program I know of that can fake the accepting of cookies and send
> fake cookies is Proxomitron but I do
> not want to use that program because it does a lot of other things that
> I already do with a host file, extensions to firefox, and modifications
> in the about:config.
> so does any body know of a program or ways that you can fake the
> accepting of cookies and sending fake cookies?