How to insert a Quote in a Post.

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Active Member
Jul 26, 2009
Sydney Australia
How to Insert a Quote and Multi Quotes in a Forum Post.


SECTION A: Shows you how to insert one quote, or part thereof in your reply post.

SECTION B: Shows you how to add multiple Quotes, or part thereof to your reply post.

When replying to the last post in a Thread, it is NOT necessary to “QUOTE”.

Only "QUOTE" posts in their entirety if you really need to.

SECTION A: How to insert one "QUOTE", or part thereof in your reply post.

Find the member's post you wish to "QUOTE" and insert in your reply post.


The members post will appear at the top of your Reply Post.
If you don't wish to insert the members post in it's entirety, highlight what portion you wish to remove.


Place you cursor below the last "QUOTE" leaving a one line space.
Write and post your reply.

SECTION B: How to add multiple Quotes, or part thereof to your reply post.

Find each member's post you wish to insert in your Reply Post.
In each member's post, click the "+Quote" icon found in the lower right corner.
Then, in your reply post Click the "Insert Quotes" button below your Reply Post.
Deleting portions of "QUOTES" refer to "SECTION A".
"Review Selected Messages" page will show like this example.

IMAGE 3.png


Thanks to Bill M (STAFF) for permission to use his posts as an example in this Tutorial..
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