How to container a process efficiently and securely?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Binero
  • Start date Start date


I am writing a client-host type of application, where the host is a plugin loader, and the client is a plugin.

The host and client would communicate through UNIX File Socket.

My main concern is, there is a chance the plugin is malicious, and I obviously don't want to have it **** up the system. I would like to container the plugins, so they cannot create files, make sockets, change host name etc.

I've heard about the unshare call, which seems to create new namespaces for the process calling it. This'd mean however that I'd have to count on the plugin to call it, which wouldn't work.

How would I create a container like that? It needs to be as lightweight as possible. I'm running on a cloud with very little RAM and CPU, and I'll probably have about 20 plugins loading at a time.

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