How to check if a file is corrupt?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I had a creeping hard drive crash last week and I noticed that many, many files are broken due to defect sectors. Unfortunately all those corrupt files have been copied in my files history, which is now (partly) corrupted, too. I have a very old backup that
could be used to recover only the broken files, because most of the data has been updated meanwhile. Unfortunately it's not only few files I could check by hand.
That is why I am looking for a solution that checks if files may possibly be corrupt. I don't know if files on NTFS store a hash within to quickly see if it is corrupt, I seriously hope so. Or maybe there is another possibility? I also noticed that parts
of the corrupted files are filled with null, where once was data (resulting in JPEGs that can be displayed, but are partly broken in its display). Maybe you know of a program that checks if a file has a lot of zeros inside?

@Microsoft staff: Please … never mark a reply as answered, if does not absolulety apply or if it is just useless troubleshooting gibberish. (I say that for a reason, because you regularly mark absolutely useless replies as answers. Sometimes a problem is
hard to solve, or not ata ll, and therefor stays without answer. That is sad for everyone, but *you* must accept that fact!

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