how many ports?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
How many ports are there in a pc? If I try to run 2 or more remote stuff I would get a message saying that the port is already in use, so how can I add more ports?
There are 65536 ports. Generally, a service will attempt to connection to a predetermined, widely known port (ie, HTTP on port 80, FTP on port 21), and then move the connection to an arbitrary high-number port (>1024) once the connection is established. If the service you are using doesn't shift off of the common port, however, new connections to that service will be blocked until the connection is released. What sort of 'remote stuff' are you trying to use?
1] Handheld Mouse Remote

2] Mini pc

ok, so what I gather from your answer, when one program uses the common [port 80] then you have to manually assign a port for each other device thereafter, is this correct?
Are we talking about network connections, or physical devices? My earlier post assumed that we were talking about remote network connections.
If the software you're using is configurable, you might try moving to a different port. Remember that you need to change both the port the server side listens on and the port that the client is looking for. The client may also have a local port that they are connecting on outgoing; this is independant of the server side port.