How do we get people to find ExTS


Active Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hi How do we get people to find us on Google?? What do we have to do to get more visitors?
I know I'm not very patient. Just wondering how can we grow a little faster?? You have all those connections on Linkedin Rich. Can any of them help, like your friend from Macrium?? I know many of you have registered on other forums. Are you inviting them to join us?? I am!:think:
PS Are those Robots helping us??Seems we have more of them then we do visitors. I hope the Robots read this thread.;)
If you visit other forums you can leave a link in your signature on those sites. Just check and make sure it's not against their guidelines.

I do this although I rarely visit many sites any longer.
I am a member of a number of sites and what I have found it is very hard to get them to give up some of their loyalty to the site they are used to.
If I approach a member of another site I say I am not asking you to leave your favourite site, just if you have some spare time check out our site.
When I first joined CHF I managed to bring in a number of new members, however now it seems much harder.
I think most sites are struggling to get new active members.Some join and you never see them again.
Just send them a PM. They are supposed to be private messages. If you have special friends on a forum, give them your email address.
I can't believe this just now happened. A person from a forum where I'm no longer welcome; because I'm to friendly, sent the owner of Golden Oaks a email wanting to contact the computer man at Golden Oaks. The owner forwarded her email and I have invited her to join us. That's a true follower.
I'm very happy about that. I sure hope I never wear out my welcome here on Free PC Help Forum. I'll stop adding attachments. It's still snowing in Oklahoma. That may be what's making me crazy.
Hi! @DSTM I have seen that Cat icon before my friend on a lot of sites. It's true people are loyal to their sites.
This is my home now and my loyalty is here. I've never felt like this before and I have been a member on more help forums then I care to think about.
You told me to forget about the past Dougie and think about the future and I'm taking your advise. This forum lets me be who I really am. I think I'm bending the rules a little some times, so just let me know when I go to far and I'll try to scale back a little. I sure don't want to mess this one up!
Paltalk is one good place as in the past we pulled quite a few people off Paltalk to another forum we were at and that is part of the reason we started it up again. Help someone on Paltalk and then explain to them we are the live tech support of the Free PC Help Forum Forum. It doesn't seem there is as much natural traffic there as there used to be but I am sure in time it will work. I once counted 127 members pulled in from Paltalk in 5 or so years. And the good thing about it is they were all active, they didn't just join. Of course we enjoy doing it too which helps and it comes through to whoever joins us. Most of the other Computer tech rooms are so unfriendly once people get to us, they tend to stay with us. The more of you from here who come join us the better we will do because the rooms with the most traffic will get the most visitors and that is where we are failing. We have almost everyone who used to come to those sessions still there, but have attracted not one from Free PC Help Forum to show up and this forum is so much more active than that one is today!.
Not only are most help forums unfriendly, their staff have big egos and think they are the only ones that know any thing.
It's their way or the hi-way. I've been there and done that. Dougie and me are looking forward, not looking backward!
We'll-Get- er -Done!!
Actually I was talking about other Paltalk Chatrooms Gary as there are full time 24/7 chatrooms for computer tech support, not other online tech support forums. Had you come there you would have seen what I meant. What is there today is less than half what we used to see as I note attendance is way off from what we used to see

Over the years I have belonged to many online forums and yes there have been some where the staff is very cliquish and can be most unfriendly to outsiders but I would not say most myself, whereas with Paltalk Chatrooms "most" does fit. But now that we are back at least our room is a haven
for others running away from that and that is what we are counting on to help populate this forum.
I have had 60+ alerts today (That's a record for me). Now I call that a active forum. If I was a guest here, I would be registering to join this forum and join in the fun and share the knowledge that Free PC Help Forum has to offer our members. It's free and we love people. Come on all you Robots that hang out here, spread the word about Free PC Help Forum. Why are you hanging out here Robots. @AWS says you are good. What are you good for? Are you spreading the word that this is a great forum?? Well you should be!!:woohoo::jumpimg:
I have had 60+ alerts today (That's a record for me). Now I call that a active forum. If I was a guest here, I would be registering to join this forum and join in the fun and share the knowledge that Free PC Help Forum has to offer our members. It's free and we love people. Come on all you Robots that hang out here, spread the word about Free PC Help Forum. Why are you hanging out here Robots. @AWS says you are good. What are you good for? Are you spreading the word that this is a great forum?? Well you should be!!:woohoo::jumpimg:
Ok, then, well: here I am...
Actually I was talking about other Paltalk Chatrooms Gary as there are full time 24/7 chatrooms for computer tech support, not other online tech support forums. Had you come there you would have seen what I meant. What is there today is less than half what we used to see as I note attendance is way off from what we used to see

Over the years I have belonged to many online forums and yes there have been some where the staff is very cliquish and can be most unfriendly to outsiders but I would not say most myself, whereas with Paltalk Chatrooms "most" does fit. But now that we are back at least our room is a haven
for others running away from that and that is what we are counting on to help populate this forum.
I have seen two other friends here from other forums/sites, and I haven't really looked around a whole bunch yet. I do like that there is a chat room, for just keeping in touch with others: not everything is 'bug' related!
I have seen two other friends here from other forums/sites, and I haven't really looked around a whole bunch yet. I do like that there is a chat room, for just keeping in touch with others: not everything is 'bug' related!
@Rich-M will introduce you to Paltalk. Look around friend! Free PC Help Forum has a lot to offer!
Leaving links is allowed on some forums but most do not allow it and staff will remove the links...I am a manager on a 3 million member forum and it kills me that I can't use a link there....
Leaving links is allowed on some forums but most do not allow it and staff will remove the links...I am a manager on a 3 million member forum and it kills me that I can't use a link there....
Hi @Rich-M There's always PM's and emails. You can find ways. Our newest member @shortordercook tracked me down by emailing the owner of Golden Oaks. Now that's a true friend and a faithful follower. I try not just to talk the talk, but walk the walk. Friends will follow you. 3 million new members would be great!!;);)