Home group


Active Member
Jan 4, 2013
Silver Spring MD
I have tried everything I can think of to establish a homegroup connection between my desktop an d my laptop. I have been able to do so by connecting the laptop with an Ethernet cable from my router to it. But unlike the old XP days when I could disconnect the cable and still have connectivity it drops off as soon as the cable is disconnected.
I am running Defender, SpywareBlaster, MBAM and MBAM exploit and have brriged my gateway so am using my own router.
I can create a homegroup on each pc but I cannot connect them.
I have been reading a lot on this issue and it seems to be quite widespread with Win 10 x 64 users.
Can someone give me some advice please?
I'm having the same problem and I haven't had any luck solving it thus far.
Perhaps someone else will be able to weigh in here with a solution.
I have asked other tech/staff to take a look.

Windows 10 is so new that there are bound to be multiple issues that need to be resolved.
I'm sorry that I couldn't help.