Hi! looks like a great place!


Active Member
Feb 2, 2015
Hi Bob! looks like a great place to learn. I hope I can also help a little.
I know W7 pretty well. Have been using a PC for 10 years. I'm self taught. Learned from forums like this one.
Will look around and see if I can help a little!!
Yep. 6TH biggest storm in history and just like always happens when we have a storm like this we get winds higher than 40MPH so 19.2 inches in places looks like 6 foot.
No snow in Oklahoma, but it's cold. We need the moisture, but you can keep the snow up there!!:):)
Hi new and old friends! Take a tour of the Sistine Chapel on me.
Hold down left clicker to move around in the Chapel. Use the wheel for moving in close.
I found this fascinating.
Sistine Chapel