Help! Reached a deadlock

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yakor
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Hello everyone,

I'm seeking for a solution of unusual problem with Vista Ultimate 32.


Few days ago resinstalled my dual setup (Vista+XP) due to a necessity
to re-mount my RAID0 setup.
Vista installed well, + all updates including the optional ones.
Problems started when I decided to update Intel's Chipset (INF, which I downloaded from ASUS.
As expected, during the install the keyboard and mouse got offline (I
have a blue-tooth Logitech). Solution: attached a USB mouse, finished

Afterwards miracles started.

1. During normal startup: at the logon point (Welcome text with a
circle) Vista hangs for 5 minutes (judging from ntbtlog.txt due to
KBDHID.SYS). It takes another 5 minutes to proceed to the desktop,
where a popup "Failed to communicate to a windows service: *windows
could not connect to System Event Notification Service* ... limited
accounts..." (this is a known problem when one adds limited users, but
this is not my case).
Menus don't work, nothing is clickable, network doesn't start,
Kaspersky doesn't start (actually, KIS 7 is my first suspect for
security conflict)

Remark: with "diagnostic startup" it loads fast, but I can only
contemplate pop-up windows while scrolling the mouse pointer over the
taskbar icons. Start menu works with a minute-delay, but I can't get to
contents of any folder.

2. During safe mode: startup takes normal time, but *"Help and Support
was not able to start"* appears.
Recent Update: now also in the safe mode, *security center doesn't
start *(error 1068 if I try to start it manually, although rpcss is
*Even in the "device manager" there is no contents - just an empty

3. During safe mode with networking: takes a bit less time than during
normal startup, but no network. Keyboard and mouse online. Ntbtlog
reports several (but not consequent) attempts to start kbdhid.sys.
Second or third is successful.

4. *All restore points disappeared*! So, there's no chance to roll back
to a previous state.

Now, what examination has revealed.

ntbtlg.txt: most of cases "did not load" kbdhid. sys, srv.sys,
rdpcdd.sys (only normal startup)
SFC: no problems
registry: at first glance "hanging" accounts (as described somewhere in
the net, when winlogon holds a registry key)

A note: virus is very unlikely, I install Kasperksy before connecting
to Internet on a fresh system. On top, I checked Vista partition with
KIS from XP with a thorough scan option (heuristics level 3 etc)

Logitech: Setpoint 330 installed (before never caused a problem)

Update USB S3 from ASUS also in place.

It's a mystery. Google is also puzzled, nothing on this subject.
I am in a deadlock: cannot uninstall anything (KIS 7 for starters),
cannot see event logs, cannot rollback to previous state, cannot even
rollback suspected drivers!!!

_Solutions_I'm_looking_for_: repair current installation (I would not
like to go for a fresh re-install, 'cause I've just activated Office
Ultimate and - I think - this copy of Vista)

Perhaps, a particular question: how to make #$@ Vista uninstall
something in Safe mode?

Any help appreciated....
Many thanks in advance


P.S. Bravo Microsoft...

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