Help!!! Error #317 Is taking over Internet Explorer!!


Mar 11, 2005
Error 317 - Microsoft Internet Security Warning


Every few minutes I get this popup:

Windows is corrupted with spyware virus.
You must patch your pc urgently to protect your system
Private info is accessed by ports:
You can patch your pc for free now and delete all spyware viruses
Click ok to choose and download free spyware removal using AntiSpy

Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP1

I have run several programs to try to get rid of this problem; Adaware SE, XoftSpy, Spybot Search & Destroy - All to no avail. Everytime I think I have removed the problem, it comes right back.

Attacjed is a HIJACK THIS log, I hope it will help to identify my problem. Thank you in advance for any info.


Delete C:\WINDOWS\msmsgr2.exe. You'll have to set folder options to view hidden system files and folders.
Open regedit and remove this registry entry
HKLM\..\Run: [_Cat4] C:\WINDOWS\msmsgr2.exe
Then do an online virus scan.
I have the same problem - error 317 window pop up :-(
Any ideas how can i repair this - I have Windows 2000 and there is no such a file in my disc :-P


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