
Oct 27, 2011
Hi everyone. Thanks for making this forum! I am a student who is trying out webserving for personal use, but hope to grow into doing as a small business eventually. I have had a few sties up for a short time, using WAMP and LAMP, mostly in development. Now I was given a much bigger server (was built to be a server, not a desktop PC) and would really love to try my hand at using Windows Server 2008 Standard, which I'm able to have for a year as a student. I've started reading 'Windows 2008 Server For Dummies' lol and a lot of it goes right by me. I think because, when I installed the lamp and wamp, I did so by asking a lot of questions in forums, and following step by step tutuorials that are out there so...hope I get the same kind of help here :) Thanks very much.