Hello Everyone


Jan 28, 2010
Houston, Texas
I just turned 71 years old and still have a lot to learn. I have 4 operating computers in the house, one with XP Pro, two with Vista and one with Windows 7 Pro. They are loaded with Microsoft Office 2003/2007 and OpenOffice.org. My goal is to learn enough about WHS to convert the XP unit (two 500 gig disks) into a server. I am semi-retired, doing a little consulting for the company from which I retired. Been in computers since Apple III, but I only learn enough to accomplish whatever I am working on. Maintain a few websites for friends and customers (Expression Web). Help administer a small size (2700 members) vBulletin forum. Also considering starting my own forum and have several ideas rolling around in my head. . I know vBulletin fairly well, but considering becoming familiar with IP.Board software and trying it.

That should be enough for now.