HDD letter changed...what now?..:(


Sep 12, 2004
I recently installed a new 80 gig HDD...(WD)...replaced the cabling and power supply exactly the way it was hooked up to the old HDD.

However, when I started to download some programs...I noticed that the new primary drive is now...M: !!!

AT first I was a bit concerned, and had to make sure that downloads to HDD showed up as; M, instead of C: , but altogether there wasnt a problem, just a cool new look for
my primary:)

But now I am running into a problem with downloading some games that I play...I can specify that they need to go to M: but almost alway's...sometime during the install process...the programs will try and save some info to C:, this results in a glaring error message that the program was bad etc...

I tried to go to the <my computer-manage- disk management >
rename card, but I get the error message that windows cannot change the system volume something or other.

I am stuck and dont know what else to try.

Any ideas?


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When you installed the new HD did you set the jumper to Master or is it on CS (Cable Select) this is the first thing i would check.
Here is a picture of jumper settings. You will have to look in the manual of the new HD to see what the correct jumpers should be.


  • Jumpers copy.gif
    Jumpers copy.gif
    6.8 KB · Views: 2
I think I've had the problem and could not find a way of changing it other than reformatting. Besides if you did change I'm not sure all other programs would work!

I have a very slight feeling there may be somethin on partition magic that allows you to change this. dont quote me on that though.

Dont know if anybody could confirm that.
{DGC}TempesT| said:
I recently installed a new 80 gig HDD...(WD)...replaced the cabling and power supply exactly the way it was hooked up to the old HDD.

However, when I started to download some programs...I noticed that the new primary drive is now...M: !!!

AT first I was a bit concerned, and had to make sure that downloads to HDD showed up as; M, instead of C: , but altogether there wasnt a problem, just a cool new look for
my primary:)

But now I am running into a problem with downloading some games that I play...I can specify that they need to go to M: but almost alway's...sometime during the install process...the programs will try and save some info to C:, this results in a glaring error message that the program was bad etc...

I tried to go to the <my computer-manage- disk management >
rename card, but I get the error message that windows cannot change the system volume something or other.

I am stuck and dont know what else to try.

Any ideas?


You need to hook the drive up as a slave to another computer with 2000/XP. When it boots go to (Right Click)My Computer -> Manage -> Disk Management. Right click the drive -> Change Drive Letter and Paths and remove M:. Then shut that computer down and reinstall the drive in your computer. That should fix your problem.