Having A Little Fun!

I have a fender strat that's worth 12 to 15 thousand! A little off topic, but you started it !! I guess the Boss will let us have a little fun!!

you can call me short, you can call me cook, you can call me ....next to anything, anytime! A name is a name is a... and a rose by any other name is still a rose..:rain:... ( We have a rainstorm/snowstorm/ice storm heading in..!- my grand daughter wanted the rainy smiley!
Yup, so do we. I've about had my fill of ice and snow but it looks like we're getting more anyway. I like your smiley!

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Yes, winter is beginning to feel a little ...boring... now! Good thing ( I guess) that we need to spring clocks forward: that means it's getting closer to ...spring!