Have I fallen for a scam?


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I was having a number of issues with my computer(Windows XP) and MS Office, when It said "send report" when Windows brings up the message screen when a programme closes unexpectidly. The Microsoft help window appeared giving me options for a solution one
of which seemed to be to download Speedy PC Pro, which I did. Having installed this programme it said I had to telephone 0800 014 8114 to activate the programme, which I did. and was told that they had to access my computer to activate the programme. Very
long story but the gentleman, then went through my computer show all the "events" etc under the system. I now find that a company called
www.safecart.com. is billing my credit account every six months automatically for the use of this programme. I think the gentleman I was talking to was in fact a company called
Advanced Technical Support and he was trying to talk me into full time tech support at huge cost. I did not accept buying the full computer maintenance and yearly cost to maintain my computer, but he said he would telephone me in the New Year and see if I
would accept his offer?

I did try the Speedy PC Pro, and it certaily did seem to clean up my computer and it did run very much fast - however it did not solve my original problem which was MS Office based. but I did then get a black screen message that my computer had been turned
off to avoid serious damage - this has happened twice since. ( I have contacted the Tech forum).
I am parinoid about using the programme I downloaded again and think maybe I should uninstall it if it was a major big scam or just over aggressive selling? I am trying to get the automatic debit of my credit card stopped. If it is a genuine programme, I
only want I one off use or for a year, but not every six months!

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