Unfortunately I think its only functional on vista , allough some hackers
bypassed that and had it going on xp , so if you can get it running on xp
your have better fps and its more playable
but if you want to play it on vista your need insane high spec pc , and I
mean NASA high , research indicated not even a quad core cpu system can make
vista run faster than xp's performance .
In short vista can burn in hell - bit off topic but what the hell
If I wanna play halo 3 it will be on the xbox but then ill be forced to use
the control pad for aiming and its primitive compared to mouse aim , aghh..
on the subject of linux sure it has potential but it lacks support and the
GUI pisses me off as well, i could go on but i cant be bothered
- research indicating vista is junkware
ps: why do I have the feeling the Linux tribes/cult is about to jump me and
kill me using angry penguins armed with armoured metal beaks?
<collie4roy@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Sorry Linux users, you loooze again.
> The best games are written for Windows.
> There are Halo parties happening at the local computer stores, free
> food soda etc
> Not a sign of Linux anywhere..........