GUI Bug Outlook 2013 while sorting E-Mail in the list view in the main window


FPCH Owner
Nov 19, 2003
Florida U.S.A.
I found a bug in Outlook 2013 - following occures: in main window, when I sort the list view with e-mails by "sent to" or by "received from" and when I delete one mail from this list, the view is not correct, because after the deleted
E-Mail disapears when I go with my mouse Cursor over other e-mails in the list Outlook 2013 shows all mails from the top of the list (beginning in alphabetical or reverse alphabetical order) as I move with mouse over neighbour mails from the corrected view
instead of the same view with only that one item deleted. The scroll element right has the right Position, but after clicking on the arrow up or arrow down within this element it jumps to the start. This has worked in my Outlook 2010 well, and this is very
unpleasant because I can not work well everytime sorting my mails right again after I deleted one. This seems to be only the case if I sort my mails by Name, not if sorted by size or received/sent date, then list view works well. I use Windows 7 Ultimate x64
and Office 2013 x32, on HP6910 with ATI graphics Card. Whole System works fine since years. Is there any log file I can submit? Is my description clear? Please help , thanks.
Bogusz Schubert
PIMPEX Bogusz Schubert
Vohwinkeler Str. 58
42329 Wuppertal
Tel +49 202 4299 2270
Fax +49 202 4299 2271

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