Got the Blue Screen of Death? Refer to here!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matteh.C
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Let me quickly say. If you are Overclocking your Computer, Pushing it more than what It is capable of, TURN IT OFF NOW. Overclock pushes your Computer past its limits and that is why it "Prevents Windows from doing Damage" as quoted when you get the Blue Screen. Just putting this out there.

Over the past 5-8 Month I have been packed with so much research on the Blue Screen of Death and where It comes from.

I understand you're going to be very frustrated and that Is why you have come here. If you're in a panicking situation and you're thinking you have broke the PC, you most likely haven't. Unless you got a hammer and smashed a few of the insides to corrupt the system of course.

Firstly I would recommend you get an Antivirus, You can get one of the following that I recommend highly;

Microsoft Security Essentials

Avast Antivirus

Avira Antivirus



Yes these are all free/trial of Antivirus's. They are all fairly good. You're probably thinking why do I need an Antivirus? That is something my Grandma could call out. Simply because an Infection to your computer could Damamge the System files. Therefore meaning your computer wont function properly. Just the other week I was asking people for help but I sussed exactly what the problem was.

Firstly, Run an Antivirus scan, make sure no Infections are floating around Damaging your PC. Your PC used Variables to store Information, such as Games. When something else uses that Information at the same time, they both "Conflict" and become corrupt most of the time unless you reboot your PC or something like that.

When you do a scan and there is No virus's found, Great! You're already ahead step 1.

Step 2, Make sure you are 100% Upto date With Windows. You can re-assure that by going to Start>Typing "Windows Update" Clicking the Application and seeing If everything is upto date. If you dont know how to update Windows. I found a video here, It also helps with updating some drivers that might be out of date that could be conflicting with the variables which is then leading to the "Blue Screen of Death" > > > < < <

Step 3, Please and I mean Please make sure you have the proper Drivers for your PC. If you dont know what Drivers are,

software that allows your computer to communicate with a piece of hardware. Your PC consists of many hardware components, such as your hard disk, optical drive (CD or DVD drive), USB card, and video card. All these devices and more require drivers to function.

So If you go to plug in your Mouse and you're like "Hey Why isnt my mouse working? It's not moving or anything" that is because you havent got the drivers for the PC. Normally when you buy a PC, the Manufacturer would of already put Factory Drivers on it already like your nVidia Graphics or your AMD Graphics, USB, Motherboard ect..

If you need to know what drivers you need, Go to Google> and type in "NameOfDriver Download" So for example I have a nVidia GTX 660Ti. So I will want to search "nVidia Geforce Drivers Download" and find the ones off the MAIN WEBSITE not Third Party Websites which could lead to even possible more infections to your PC.

Step 4, If you honestly think there is something wrong with your Hardware (Parts Inside your Computer) Open your case up and make sure things are in place. If you're not up for that dont worry :) You can run a simple application that will test your MEMORY Inside your PC. The program is a simple application that runs when you boot your PC up in "CD/ROM" Mode.

If you want to learn what this program is look below> > >

MEMTEST86 is a self-explanatory program which runs when you boot up your computer as mentioned there ^

It tests your Memory on your Graphics Card, Processor and RAM to see If it passes the test. If it passes the test, There is nothing wrong with that Hardware Piece in particular.

It is recommended to leave the MEMTEST Application running for 18 Hours at max. Once your 18 Hours has done which means it has done 8 passes, It means your System is more than likely nothing wrong inside, It must be something your doing actually on your PC. Must be either from downloading corrupt software, Outdated Drivers (Which Ill be honest with you it was the fault of mine)

I'd recommend getting a software driver reviewer and looking to see If you have the right drivers by the right manufacturer.

The reason I was getting the Blue Screen, believe it or not, every time my PC tried to use the Audio Boom, Blue Screen. So I thought oh probably the sound card. Nope. The drivers were Ancient, literally. The drivers were made in 2011, 3 Years ago! How bad is that. So therefore my PC did not like it and then on meaning I got the BSOD. I mainly got it in Games too which I fixed by Re-Installing DirectX.

I would run a full disk check for files that may be missing or corrupt. To do this go to Start>Computer>*Right Click on your Primary HardDrive*Properties>Tools>Check Now.

Next time you Reboot your PC it will take around half an hour when booting up to check all the files. Although the long wait, definitley worth it.

Also. I use a software to check the Blue Screen "Minidumps" which can be used very easily to analyze the problem. If you get the BlueScreen, Navigate to C:\Windows\Minidump After you have rebooted your PC.

Then upload that to something like Skydrive or Dropbox, Leave the link below and I'll try my best to help you.

If you need any more help, Please comment below. Also if this helped you, Please leave a nice comment.

Sorry if some of this was Incorrect, I just want to help people since people helped me. Also, Its nice to put a smile on someone's face other than my own!

All the best!

- Matthew

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