Getting to know the members


FPCH Staff
Sep 30, 2014
Cambridge UK
I had a nice surprise this morning. I had a chat with one of the Exts members on skype. The gentleman in question was calling from America. We had a three way conversation with our very own Dougie. Although computers were mentioned, we talked about other things as well. It was refreshing to talk about things in general.

I would encourage all the members to try and get to know each other... and hey, you don't have to just talk about your computers. As much as I like the staff here at Exts, it's nice to chat to someone who's first priority isn't the in's and out's of the latest operating system, etc, etc.

Having said all that, I want all you folk who have a real life away from a PC screen to be confident of the fact that we are very lucky here at Exts in that when you do have an IT problem, we have some of the brightest and friendliest techs on the internet ready to sort out your computer problems.

I'd like everyone who reads this to try and think of a question they'd always wanted to ask a computer technician, but possibly thought, no I won't ask that because they'll think I'm dim... to go to the appropriate section of the forum and ask their question. And remember, there are no stupid questions... only stupid answers!

As an added bonus, who knows, you might end up making a new cyber friend as well as furthering your education just like I did this morning.

Ok, I'm off now to write my own question list... I could be gone some time..Lol