GeforceFX 5200 TV out problem

Sars in a Jar

Dec 29, 2003
I have a GeforceFX 5200 for the PCi and i want to use the TV out, i connected the cables and the windopws start up shows, w00t!. well, when windows is done loading, it turns all back.

I have the 5.0 drivers i think and i am using windows XP home.
I personaly have a Radeon 9000 but mine does the same, to enable it I have to go into Display Properties > Advanced and then there is an option to enable the output.

Give that a try
yeah, go into the display properties, click the settings tab, and you should be able to enable it from there. just click the box that says extend my desktop to this display and your set.

however if you want the tv to be a mirror of your desktop, then i believe you need to install nview, which is nvidias multi display software.
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hmmm....what is it you want to do specically? do you want to have your tv act as a clone of your current monitor? or do you want to extend your desktop to your tv?

what will you be using the tv for? gaming? watching videos?

answering these questions should help narrow things down a little.
what i want it to do is like what the ATI all-in-wonders to. What i do on my monitor happens on the tv.
So when i play a game on my moniter, it shows on the tv too.
you want to mirror your desktop then.

be warned unless you have a high def tv, your gonna have to use a lower resolution.

my tv which is just a regular old tv, can support 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768. of course the lower the res the easier text is to read. but for gaming if your tv supports it, you can run 1024x768.

what you need to do is download the nview software from nvidias website.

once installed you can go into the nvidia tab in advanced display properties.

your going to have to chose displays (i think thats it, been a while) from the little menu that pops out on the side. then you have to enable your tv, theres a button next to a p[icture of a tv you press to send video to the tv from your card.

then there's an option somewhere to make your tv a clone of your regular monitor. you need to check that and apply.

with nview you can run your tv in another res seperate from your monitor mind you. so your monitor can be in 1280x1024 while the tv is just 800x600. but for gaming, unless you wan to have to scroll around, you'd be wise just to play games in the highest res supported by your tv.

if that last part sounds confusing, it's cuz it is, but you'll understand what i mean when you see it.