Funny Problem With Server 2008 On New Server


Active Member
Jun 19, 2011
New Zealand
hi, ive changed my server over and put a new PC in and im experiancing some weird problems.

Firstly, i cant install Web PI (Web Paltform Installer), it brings up a funny error and ive tried all troublshooting steps.
Secondly, i think it may be something wrong with the os or something, as a new install i just tried to activate windows and i cant remember the exact error but if it comes up again ill screenshot it, it said something about failing to find correct DNS details and quit.

Internet and everything is fine, however another thing is it seemed to come installed with heaps of security settings with IE that im slowly working on removing, i think i disabled Advanced Security for IE or something.

Im despirately in need of installing Web PI and i need to get PHP, MySQL etc etc installed.
This is my second install of server 2008 and the only this thats different is this is the 32bit version and none of these problems occured previously.

Any help greatly appreciated!

here the error message for Web PI

View attachment 139


Check your network settings, in particular, check your DNS settings. It looks like it can't resolve names...

If you resolve it, I'm quite sure you can resolve everything.