

Jan 4, 2004
Ledyard, CT USA
I've been trying to get FTP running from my webserver, but have come to a bit of a problem. The server appears to work fine, as I can connect to it and perform FTP operations both locally and on my LAN. The problem comes when I try to connect from outside. Outside clients can connect and authenticate, but when I try to get a listing or perform a transfer, it stalls. I run the server over my cable service, with the appropriate ports forwarded through my router (I've tried several ports). Anyone have an idea?
Have you tried to set your ftp client to use pasv?
If the server is behind a firewall you'll need to enable pasv.
On the lan you don't need it.
I had the say problem (I was using FTPpro) so I upgraded the software and now it works fine.
I changed to PASV mode (changed client too), but I now get a 'Socket Error: No Connection' when I try to get the directory listing. Not sure if this is an improvement from nothing at all ... do you suppose that my cable company could be doing something to block FTP transfers (HTTP works fine, which makes me doubt that they're preventing webserving).
Change the server back from pasv and leave the client set pasv.
Socket error means the client can't open a connection to the server. You probaly also get a timeout error to go along with it.
Thanks for the tips. I'll try messing around with it more once I get a chance to deal directly with the server (its at the house; I'm a state away at uni).
GavinO said:
Thanks for the tips. I'll try messing around with it more once I get a chance to deal directly with the server (its at the house; I'm a state away at uni).

You should contact your carrier to see if they are blocking it if you haven't already solved the problem.