Free Partition Software


Mar 13, 2004
Does anyone have a free Partition software that does not make me lose data like FDISK needs to re-format afterwards please HELP!

Thanks, Sean:)
I'm not sure if you can get them independant of distributions, but the partition tools I've seen packages with various Linux distros (Mandrake, Fedora) allow resizing, adding, deleting, etc.
Yeah like that will help:mad:

GavinO said:
I'm not sure if you can get them independant of distributions, but the partition tools I've seen packages with various Linux distros (Mandrake, Fedora) allow resizing, adding, deleting, etc.
See, the thing with partitioning your HD is that you don't have an OS. You pretty much use whatever is on your rescue disks. If you wanted to FDISK the drive, you'd boot up under DOS, and FDISK. If you wanted to use PartEd, you'd boot up under a basic Linux setup from the disk, and run PartEd. Once you set up the NTFS and FAT32 partitions the way you want, you format them and install your OS of choice (WinXP, in this case). The ext2/ext3/swap options in the partition utility are just not used in this case.
:mad:No,No,No I hav an OS installed on my pc I just want to add anoter one!

*Edited by Excaliber* Please keep your conversation civil
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seanb64: He knows what you are say. What Gavion0 means is this: Re-partitioning your harddrive is OS independant. Because of this, you can use whatever tool you want, be that a DOS based FDISK or a Linux based PartEd.

Becuase you are booting off of a boot disk, the OS on it does not matter. Say I boot off of an Slackware boot disk. I load up PartEd (or whatever it uses for partitioning) and create a new NTFS partition. Then you can pop out the Linux boot disk and boot to normal Windows as you normally do.