folder access


Active Member
Dec 18, 2003
North Carolina, USA
OK, I have an install of Windows XP on one hard drive (I'll call it HD1) and then I have another HD (HD2) that I've done a clean install of XP on. It is the master drive on the primary IDE channel and it's 1 and only partition is set to active (drive C). HD1 (the existing install; drive D) is the slave drive and I have it in here so I can get files off of it. However, I can't access a certain folder on HD1. I use windows explorer and go to "D:\Documents and Settings" but then I try to open my folder "\Andrew" I get access denied. What is going on? By the way, I am using the Admin account. There must be some way I can access this, and the reason as to why I'm only denied access on this folder is a puzzle.
My current user on here is already Andrew... heh. But anyway, problem is solved. I booted to the other install (which the \Andrew folder belonged to) and went to the folder's properties and sharing tab, unchecked "make this private" or whatever. I just happened to come across it. I had forgotten it was there.
The HDs were in seperate machines, but I did a little swicthing around and now only 1 of those systems are active, and what I did was format one of them, and I kept the other one in here with my files on it so I can access them easily.
Hi there,

I have a similar problem although my 'second' hard drive is from my laptop and is in an external HD case.

My problem was I had, on my desktop pc, win98se on my C: drive and the laptop HD, in the external case, has winxp. The laptop drive was not accessable as it didn't show up in 'My Compter' so I installed winxp on the C: drive and now the laptop drive shows up, as D:, in 'My Compter. I am able to open it but like 'Andrew' am unable to access folders under my user ID on the laptop hard drive. How do I boot from the D: drive? :(
Unfortunately I can't help but I have sent a few PM's to some of the moderators of my tech support forum to see if they might be able to help. I can't promise they will help but I think they will probably at least look at the problem. Hang in there.