Firefox's Ad Block


Active Member
Mar 12, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
XP Pro, Firefox 37.0.1

Recently I was asked by FF if I wanted to install a better
version of FF (or something like that). It wiped out my
add-ons, including Ad Block.

I'd like to re-install Ad Block. FF offers different versions.

Is Flash Block 40.20.13 what I need? (It only has a 3-star rating.)'

Or is Ads No More 2.1 better? (Also 3-star rating).

I'm sorry I ever "upgraded." Was satisfied with whatever it was I had.
Gee whiz, FF could not have made it more complicated. I
clicked something like check add-ons. You'd think they'd
have had AdBlock Plus first on the list. I'm not sure it was
even on the list!


Again, thanks very much, Cindy.

My Dumb Question of the Day:

Can I have two different adblocks installed on same computer?

Although my Ad Block Plus works fine along with Ad Muncher, I assume
your answer is no to 2 adblocks.

I'd install the adblock you suggest, AWS, if I had another computer on
which to test it first - no such luck.

What do you like about it? Anyone else try it?
