Finally got ArchBang installed but it's being a total PITA.

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Well, after about 5 tries I managed to get ArchBang installed. Took some doing but I got all the gpg keys installed and fixed. Got the mirrors that I want uncommented out so I can download stuff(well most stuff) and I finally have Firefox 29 set up a bit better so I can use it.
USB's don't show up on the desktop when they're plugged in even though it looked like they're suppose to by what I saw in settings. No idea if I can even change the clock to 12 hour time from the 24 hour setting and it seems I can add nothing to panel and can't move it from the bottom of the screen.
Openbox it totally strange to me so I'm pretty much lost trying to use it.
I did get hardinfo installed and it's showing both cores of my cpu but I only have one cpu meter in the pre-installed conkey that's on the desktop.
This is really going to take some getting use to since I'm more use to using Xfce or MATE.
One plus, when I did a CPUBlowfish benchmark I got 9.12, that's a bit faster then I was getting with other installs which normally ran 9.22 to 9.31 so something is letting it run faster.
I only made two partitions, an ext4 for the install and a 2GB Swap. Before I was trying to do 3 and things just weren't working very well but 2 seemed to be the magic number to get things installed.

Anyway, if anyone can please chime in and help me fix a few of these problems I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

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